
Generally, I'm not a fan of modern architecture but this building would be beautiful.

He will go through the front door and back door of the house (to go outside and come back in), and he moves around easily downstairs (where we have more of an open floor plan—no literal doorways to walk through), but upstairs he just hates the doors. He refuses to go through any except our bedroom, and that one he

This is me! I mean, this my dog! Queso is the best. We don't think anything too traumatizing happened to him before we rescued him; he was only 9 or 10 weeks old. As far as other doors of the house, he just flat refuses to walk through any of them upstairs, except our bedroom. I think we hang out enough in the

Thirteen comments in and we already have a creep in the grays asking ever so innocently why an adult fucking a 14 year old cannot be consensual.

six-month sexual relationship with a student

You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is

Now playing

Yeah, but did she make him touch her hands for stupid reasons?

I can see how you can be mean to a cat, but how do you be just rude? Does she comment on its weight? Fail to send thank-you notes after it brings her a chewed-up lizard? Call it a nickname it doesn't approve of?

Evolution is important because when you see how it developed, you understand how all the disciplines of science interact, how an idea is formulated, how it is tested, and how to draw conclusions based on those tests. It's the scientific method in action and what I learned from it informs how I see the world even

The first two words of the headline work just fine on their own. Every day. For almost every story.

"No comment."

We better watch out—those fingers look loaded.

They're in the notorious Buddy Christ gang.

Florida actually went to Obama in both his elections. Nobody hears our pain though because Bugs Bunny Sawing GIF.

Ronald Reagan? The actor?!

To be honest, that does sound a little like bragging.

He must have an ass of substance and width. I'm a large man and, without a seat, I would plop right through.