
My cat is a clean slim female. I thought of her.

If her sister is THAT sick, she wouldn't have waited that long to be seen. And if she wasn't that sick, then she doesn't NEED to get seen that fast. There's no excuse for this at all.

I agree. She did nothing wrong. She took her temp, notified the CDC and got their permission. She followed whatever procedures were in place at her hospital. She is a victim, not a villain.

Yo Jezebel, get your shit together about how you're covering this CDC/Ebola/Nurses thing. In one post you're vilifying Nurse Vinson for traveling even though she was told by the CDC that their protocols for caring for Duncan were adequate/she was at low risk, and then giving her the OK to fly, and in another you're

Pardon me, but I call bullshit. The point of the article was exactly as you stated, but I'm not buying your interpretation of the comment. "Nobody cares about your (tiny) stupid boner" is not a neutral comment, it is a belittling one. It is essentially the same thing as saying "nobody cares about your gross saggy

You know, for nobody caring, there is an AWFUL lot of talking about it. Small penises are the butt of every joke. Is it surprising that men would develop a complex about it? It's no different than being mercilessly teased because of your small breasts or because you're the chubbiest of your friends—except people don't

Spot on! And I constantly hear/read/see men judging women's bodies. Turnabout is fair play, I say.

Color blind is a condition in which people refuse to see you when your color is anything but white, so it doesn't surprise me that it is not the racial harmony that gaslighters want us to think it is. The supposedly colorblind always manage to be the biggest fucking racists. And the New Black community are going to be

That means 99.5% of men do NOT have the condition.

Well, I guess technically (not technically, I know this isn't how probability really works, but let's have some fun here) You'd have to sleep with 200 dudes to find one with a tiny penis. I don't think I'll ever hit that mark so I'd call it "rare."

All things considered, it just doesn't seem that weird.

ok no one wants you to be blind to race. When you see me, you should see that I am black. To acknowledge the history and culture that come with that. I love being black. Blackness is the shit. I just don't want you to discriminate against me b/c of my blackness. kthanxbai

How calculated, but he's still spewing his new black shit here. Build a school WHERE? Teach a child WHAT? These answers are extremely vague. I think once he became conscious of the fact that he has more white fans then he's ever had ever since he came out with Happy, he's made the decision to spew the colorblind

Announcing that white folks freed the slaves (after enslaving them first) is a new one, though.

Automatic assumption that black people don't have jobs. Check

And you get to feel superior and write a comment about Deadspin dissing the Cardinals and their fans. So you win, too!

one of my college friends was childhood buddies w/ Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Around 2001, JGL would come to our closing night parties every so often, he was so sweet and nothing but nice. a few years later, I saw him at a show in LA and I went up to say hi and he gave me the biggest hug like we were old friends. such a

Jonathan Taylor Thomas 4eva. Harvard and Columbia, swoon.

According to friends that have worked with him Zac Efron is and has always been a nice boy.