
Today’s inspirational Code 45* reminds us that there’s no time like the present, and s/he who hesitates is lost. One should strike while the iron is hot, and never pass up a chance to seize the day. So whatever it is you’ve been meaning to get to, but weren’t sure about the right time to do it, wonder no more.

I like big butts and I can not lie
All You Democrats can’t deny
That when POTUS walks in with a tire around his waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, want to pull up tough
‘Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the Khakis he’s wearing
I’m hooked and I can’t stop staring
Oh Donnie, I want to get wit’cha

So if this was Barack Obama, please tell me how this wouldn’t be on a 24 hours news loop on Fox News? For real this fat sack of shit degrades the presidency every fucking minute his fat ass stays in office. Enough I’m through. For real white people not one fucking word anymore about people of color, The LGTBQ

His code is sloppy, his HTML is broken and not displaying half of what it should due to typos and bad copy pasta, and he grabbed the instructor in the crotch.

Yeah, just showing up in bed one night? My ghost husband scratched at my window and moaned while the wind whipped through the moors like a GENTLEMAN.

Exactly, the normalcy of this story was the most depressing part to me. I immediately dismissed her claims of sexual assault like “oh girl, this is just dating in your 20s, get used to it.” And then I realized how sad that was. I think we have a generation of men who grew up inundated with hardcore porn and

“Hey, want to go see that new Mark Wahlberg movie? I don’t know what it’s about, but it must be good if he’s in it.”
— absolutely no one, ever

I was shocked to discover he was the highest paid actor in Hollywood last year. The guy has the emotional range of a fire hydrant. In the movie, it’s comical how they put him in

I can just picture Trump in the Oval office, plopped down on the floor among all his scattered effects for arts ‘n crafts time to make these awards. He’s going to make such good macaroni picture awards for the fake news media, they’ll just love him for it.

This article is kind of a mess. The black dress wearing is a symbolic display of solidarity, nothing more; there’s all sorts of easily Googleable coalition building going on behind the scenes by women throughout the entertainment industry. You may or may not find it adequate, but at least do the research. Not to

Yeah, I read that line several times and maybe I’m just not, like, really smart or a stable genius, but I didn’t get it. I’ve seen better stretching and reaching in a senior citizens’ yoga class.

C’mon, c’mon. This is the author of that second tweet.

I’m reallllllllly tired of us piling on and saying something isn’t enough or they should be doing something else or they should just stay home.

Lol. This is all going to add up to a bunch of commenters getting perma-grayed for calling BS BS.

I must be missing something. That was not a quote about rape, straight or otherwise faced.

That was an absolutely straight-faced quote about rape.

Me: “I wonder if this Al Rava guy looks like someone who’d unhinge his jaw and swallow a newborn whole if he knew he could get away with it.”
Googles it.
Me: “Oh. Welp.”

I love the pictures of these two together, because I get amazing joy out of how MISERABLE they both look.

Every grift begins with Kay

I count down to solstice every year. And then I start counting down until the end of February, when days are not horribly short anymore.