
A lot of men go for a female lawyer in cases that have a gendered aspect because the crass tokenism acts a fig leaf  optics are better.

He looks like he hasn’t seen daylight in so long. There’s a part of me that hopes he has a vitamin D deficiency and once corrected, he will be horrified by his actions.

You know what causes this, right? Her family tree looks like a holiday wreath.

Sorta related?... I blew up at the TV last night. We were watching an episode of The Daily Show and they were showing clips of previous shows and it was just a bunch of jokes about how dumb Trump is and how evil all the people around him are and a lot of supposedly clever quips comparing them to various evil

Nope. Not what kitten heels are for. It’s not about you at all short guy.

Ah, but Arya is into bathing in brisk mountain streams and washing with hyper-local plant concoctions and gets Jondolar on the hygiene train.

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem

No doubt, this is more a reflection of Maureen Dowd’s poor writing, but I found the piece very confusing, with details that were jarring and unnecessary (her father thinks she’s a reincarnated buddhist goddess?), and lack of other details that would have been helpful. Like, Weinstein is a fucking monster, we know

I initially missed the accent but now I’m onto something else in my head! What about a line of rose, lavender and mint vodkas? A sort of florals and herbs vibe? Yay, nay?

Change it to firewoman. If men want to be specific they can always be referred to as “male firewoman” or “gentleman firewoman.”

My dad’s hall changed to firefighter in the 90's when they got their first woman officer. My dad actually brought about the change after my mom made a comment.

No worries. I think there’s some pink vodka around here somewhere that we can bitch about:)

Someone posted a photo below of Michelle giving Laura Bush a gift when the Obamas arrived at the White House on inauguration morning, and I greeted it with skepticism — but after a quick search I found that Michelle did indeed give Laura a gift, which is probably why Melania gave a gift to Michelle. The news anchors

Truth be told, I’m a little jealous of the conspiracy nuts who have a bunch of photos and newspaper clippings stuck to a wall and linked with yarn. Man, what I wouldn’t give for that clarity of intent and focus. I’m left just baffled by a series of horrible, inscrutable catastrophes with no underlying rhyme or

Gotta think she’d be better off in a hospital or at home with a midwife, but if she wants to give birth birth right on the Senate floor, who am I to stop her?

I was at a flea market a long time ago and came across a stash of vintage post cards from a post card dealer that depicted LA in the 30s. I grabbed them quickly because they were cheap and I had recently returned from my first trip to LA and had fallen in love with the city.

I’m having the most bizarre flashbacks to college (early 90s). One of my friends had decided to declare himself the paper’s music reviewer (in actuality he had found out that the local paper would take submissions, he didn’t have any actual offer or job or internship.) He looked up a bunch of record company addresses

Umm does your sex not involve jumping on a trampoline while juggling 10 lb weights? I feel sorry for you.

If dumdum blog princess can use passive aggressive ageism throughout her whiny tantrum protest posts then I feel emboldened and justified in calling her a spoiled brat who lacks grit and is probably exhausting to be around.

I’m obviously in the minority but I find the trend of posting pictures of kittens and puppies in response to bad news to be incredibly belittling and trivializing. A lot of these news items have an immediate and direct impact on my life, and to be honest seeing pictures of some dude’s fucking dog as the top comment