Really? Full of doubt.

I’m gonna keep posting this every time there’s a “female viagra” story because it bugs me so much: this is an anti-viagra. Viagra makes the willing able, this stuff makes the able willing.

I was going to say, “No.” But you’ve changed my mind. You know the story would be amazing. Weird but amazing.

This dress is gorgeous, and her hair/makeup are amazing. She’s stunning, and I love this shade of gray on her.

The festive gold spots sound like something my sister would think of and do (‘cept silver, she never does gold anything) and that I’d copy, but only when visiting her in CO when I’m out of my element and feel bold enough to wear glitter on my face. Cute idea!

The man is eloquent.

You know that professors who publish don’t do so at the behest of the university, right? This is an individual scholar within the university publishing an article in a literary journal. Seems weird to suggest this is in retaliation, especially as articles often take months to write and prepare, and likely the article

Imagine if 25 of those people had nuclear bombs! Or Bazookas! Or magical powers!

Remember that time a Texas gun nuts group tried to reenact the Charlie Hebdo attack using paintball guns to show how a good guy with a gun would’ve stopped it...and they all failed? No?

Word salad’s favorite seasoning.

Word salad, I think, though rather mild. He still seems to be somewhat delusional/odd thought processes happening.

Saltless was exactly the adjective that left me scratching my head. Urban Dictionary doesn’t have it even. Google did helpfully include the “without flavor, insipid” details though. Interesting use of words, I guess.

There’s no upside to this story, except that he’s come forward and now anyone he had contact with can get tested.

I hear you sister / brother. I even have a couple of freckles on my lips.

It’s so funny to me because I’m literally just covered on every inch of my body in freckles. Between fingers, ears and on my lips. And I never see anyone else this covered in freckles so I’m thinking, after reading all these comments about how so many of us have freckles- yall must be pros at covering it up! lol

Interesting, there are white spots mixed in with my freckles. I never noticed!

they appear first.. makes me wonder when I first got my freckles... perhaps when my mother let me out in the sun at about three years old..

If you're 24, you shouldn't be getting wrinkles yet. This is probably too much water retention. Drink more water, as odd as that sounds. And for the rest of your life, put sunblock there when you wear the lower cut shirts. Finally, when the time comes, I'm pretty sure that they do a chemical peel on this area that

When they're at the beach?