Really? Full of doubt.

You know who never says this? Actual competent ex military. It is the song of the wanna bees.

As shown in the film Austin Powers.

The rusty orangeish freckles are eumelanin, the brown to black spots are due to a clump of melanin, the white spots have no pigment at all.

Here’s something on freckles and genetics

It might be tinea versicolor- if you live in the tropics, and are susceptible to it. Skin fungus does not give you freckles, though.

No, the line on your neck is not a wrinkle, it’s genetic. The old myth about it is that it is a sign of a high sex drive. But it’s nothing to do with age. Chest wrinkles- the skin is really thin on the neck/chest, and sometimes people don’t give it enough lotion. You’re right that letting the neck/chest tan is a

They’re caused by uneven eumelanin in the skin- so there are darker spots, lighter spots, and white spots where there is no eumelanin at all. My first freckles were at 6 or 7 years- full on leopard by 12.

Twice a year I buy some new bedding- thick flannel sheets in the fall, summery cotton sheets in the spring. I also get new pajamas and new pillows if I need new. Good sleep is so important, and it really helps.

I think it helps that cooking has a beginning, a middle, and an end. So you get to complete something constructive. So helpful when you feel like you’re on an emotional or physical treadmill.

I go swimming, or to a yoga class. I only feel like going twice a week, but I make myself go more often- because I always feel great after I exercise, so I never regret doing it. And it is soley for me, for me to destress and be healthy.

Buy some paperwhite bulbs and plant in a shallowish pot with good drainage, but keep them inside. They ought to bloom in time for the holidays. Water them sparingly and plant them outside in the spring- they may or may not bloom outside the following spring- but with good enough drainage (so they don’t rot in the

Yep, this is me. Advantages? Oh, I dunno...maybe it ennabled a long lost ancestor to hide in a sun dappled forest. Or a pile of decaying leaves, whatever. So, camoflage. Because when you have this many freckles, it totally changes the way your face is perceived. If I wear makeup that is in the midrange of my lighter

I have so many freckles -I look like Spotted Woman.

If you’re going to fake freckles, they appear first as just a few on your cheekbones, maybe some on your nose. Some of them will be lighter than others naturally, so place a few attractive spots (think beauty spots) on your cheekbones to accent your eyes. Then add a few lighter spots. The very tops of your shoulders

I caught a bus to the library once as a kid- and the busdriver looked at me and said “Have you ever been in a freckle contest? You are a sure winner.”

Creepy. Very creepy, anything that sounds like a rehearsed bit is yuk. Also creepy? The older guys who asked to “play connect the dots on my body”. Who would EVER say yes to that?

Yes, mine fade over the winter. The darker ones on my nose, cheekbones, and the top of my shoulders remain.

I worked in the free clinics movement in the 1970’s. You know, cadeceus wrapped around a power fist on T shirts? Our Bodies, Ourselves? The movement, which was centered around bringing accessible healthcare to “the people” was different according to the neighborhood the clinics were in- university students had

We live on acreage; we used to have chickens. Predators would come from miles around to incompetently kill our chickens, there was always screaming and blood and noise and chaos. One night I heard the chickens screaming and ran outside in my pajamas, with a big bamboo curtain rod, and beat two raccoons like a drum who

A king size bed with a good mattress and earplugs works for us.