Really? Full of doubt.

Generally speaking, a history of migraines is a real risk factor for pill use. Please make sure your ob/gyn is aware of your chronic migraines.

It’s worth stating that women’s adrenals also produce testosterone. It’s an androgen- so, it’s like a steroid. Production is regulated by the pituitary and adrenal glands- and even in men, the “low T” we see in marketing is pretty well hype to sell product. “Lowered testosterone” is often seen in overweight, sedentary

Well, they could have had a Dorothy Dandridge, or a Lena Horne. A lot of celebrities were “mixed race” but quiet about it in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Like Merle Oberon. And a lot of actors were Hispanic, or Latino. So, they could have had black actors, or Hispanic actors, and been accurate.

Yaay. Love yoga, not this guy.

Naw, if a person is toxic, you can never sink lower than they can. And that’s a good thing, right? Taking the high road is good.

“act like a little girl about the whole thing” is demeaning. FYI


There was a real fashion for gray hair on young women in the 1960’s- I can’t imagine what they were thinking. The results were all over the place, probably because they were taking their hair to white blonde, then discovering toner. Of course, dyeing your topiary clipped white French poodle pastels with food coloring

I admire your sewing skills. And a big yes to the old sewing machines, I have some old Elnas that are bulletproof.

I get you on the true cost of crafts. I am knitting a pair of washable wool gloves with leaves going up the arm from a knitty pattern- but washable wool and bamboo needles and *time* is not cheap.

It’s kind of boring, yes, but cute. “Nice”. And it looks as though there is a slight bias to the crepe in the front of the skirt, so it’s going to just skim over those belly flaws, not outline them. So there’s that, as a plus. I don’t know if the fabric is nice looking and feeling, and that would make a big difference

I love hair dye. My hair is unevenly colored naturally, so I started coloring mine in my 20’s- my hair already looked colored, but like a maniac had done it. (Strawberry blonde streak in back, darker by my ears, another strawberry blonde streak in front, in a mid brown sprinkled with copper red). I have a lot of hair,

I really enjoyed this piece, it was a somewhat lighthearted look at a dark subject. (Women being subjected to slutshaming would be the dark part.) The pictures are great, all full of golden sunshine and fun times.

The gray hair often isn’t the same texture as the rest of your hair- it’s more wiry, and will not hold color as well. Often the color will end up flatter, more matte. So trying to dye the gray back to your original color can end up non flattering, partially because skin tones change as we age, partially because the

Yes to this. It’s even worse when the red is natural in your hair. I once tried to make my hair white blonde for funsies, and ended up with platinum blonde hair with pink coppery strands everywhere. That red just didn’t budge. So I ended up with pinkish white blonde hair, very much like a mishandled Andy Warhol wig.

Too young or too dumb to know the Berlin Wall was demolished 1990-1992. But she’d heard of a thing called the Berlin Wall, and was in Berlin...and found a wall?

I love her clothes, she’s truly unique. And her clothes are beautifully cut and draped, so they look wonderful on. So often you see high fashion aiming for shock value, but Westwood has had enough shock value in her persona and life- she is a punk icon, after all- that the clothes can stand on their own. Tartans with

She’s done a lot of shawl collared coats with a simple narrow leather belt. There was a Gainsborough style coat in herringbone...last year? I’m sure that’s what this is, but older styled men’s bathrobes often have that wide collar, done in a fine wool. Got to love the Arctic T with it.

Yes to this, thank you. I am not religious. I have one Jewish ancestor, and he fled a European pogrom to New York when it was New Amsterdam. But we remembered. My husband’s family were Austrian and Hungarian Jews, and only the ones already in America, or in what became Israel, survived.

In the 1960’s Germany made the decision to not prosecute anyone who was not high level SS/Nazi. Their justification was the “But they were just following orders”. These prosections are because Germany has changed their criteria. (Just in time for all concerned to die off, methinks.)