Really? Full of doubt.

I like Patrick Dempsey- although this reminds me of him in Sweet Home Alabama, where we were supposed to believe Reese Witherspoon would prefer Josh Lucas to Dempsey. That required more suspension of disbelief than I could muster. (Sort of like Indecent Proposal, where Demi Moore is supposed to be all broken up over

The animals that had a lot of human contact at one time -it seems like they still seek out human contact. Their perception of humans may have permanently changed. There was a Siberian tiger named Rajah at the same zoo, who had, at one time been someone’s pet -until he began to turn into an adult Siberian tiger. He was

Me too. I know they put them in better areas- the enclosure above is 4 acres, they say. Yet there he is, at the glass.

Many years ago I was at the old zoo in Seattle. The large primate area was pretty cramped and terrible- there was a very bored orangutang male playing with a pile of sticks, and leaning against the window. He was leaning twigs against the glass in a pattern. When I leaned against the glass on the other side, he

I have a part Chow part red Australian shepard, part Lab dog. And I had a really nice leather wraparound cellphone case. The dog- who can open mail by one end only, and pull out the contents- decided to remove the case on the phone. I would have had a chewed case, and a working cellphone, except for the tooth

Yes-she did it to be mean without being mean directly. Oh, my cousin says you’re a tapeworm. Totally not me, though.

The people who love you- and have known you for many years or all your life- will not necessarily be fair in their perceptions of your relationship. They may never *see* the person you are so in love with. But. They may well see the whole situation better than you- you, after all, are participating. The bride needs to

So true. And then, as in the letter above, they’re both angry at you.

Yes. Thank you.

Really interesting, thanks for putting this up. During the Cold War there were “active listening stations” that -in areas frequented by varying whale species- could identify individual groups, and even individuals within groups, by the sounds they made in the ocean. Of course, people tagged for that duty had pretty

Apparently Trump’s grandfather was expelled from Germany for avoiding military service/taxpaying. Four generations in the US, no military service of any kind. I mention it only cause sometimes those countries...they don’t send their best.

He def feels he is living the dream.

Just one of the many ways Trump feels he is Special.

“Underwater births in the Black Sea have been done for some 30 years and have shown that the children born in the water with the dolphins develop 6 months faster over their first six months, have perhaps 150 grams more brain weight and are ambidextrous.” More developmentally advanced than parents that would do this?

Yes, but Amazon has the biggest piece.

Telling you to go somewhere else, perhaps?

aaaaand...Netflix doesn’t have the infrastructure to do it. Amazon does.

Great point about Melville, and Moby Dick. There’s some real brilliance in Moby Dick ...”Call me Ishmael” is still a wonderful first line- but like a lot of books of that period, there is unnecessary description that I feel must exist only because there was no TV, no radio, and no internet. There is no other reason

“My books are water, those of the great geniuses is wine. Everybody drinks water.” Mark Twain

There are people in the world who want to blame others for their own unhappiness and failures, blame them so that no matter how rotten they themselves behave, they can pretend that they are “nice”. Tell the FBI you are receiving threats, if that is what is happening.