
Sigh. Another “Won’t Someone Think Of the Children!?!?!” Excuse to enforce taboos on fully grown adults. Put up a “You must use a credit card” like every other place, and let people decide for themselves what they want to be exposed to. While we’re at it, someone go tell the MPAA to close down. They’re just as useless

Here’s the reality. It’s the idea of ‘This is ours, you can’t use this at all.’’ This isn’t a social out cry from Hindi people as a whole. This is one person who is extremely old by the look of pictures on google, and thinks video games are trivial by default. If anything we should be pushing back for offending an

It’s the idea of ‘This is ours, you can’t use this at all.’ This isn’t a social out cry from Hindi people as a whole. This is one person who is extremely old by the look of pictures on google, and thinks video games are trivial by default. If anything we should be pushing back for offending an entire culture of it’s

...Who died or was mortally mamed by being insulted?

It’s one thing if we’re intentionally doing something with malice. It’s another when someone takes it upon themselves to say “That’s mine, you can’t have it.”

Pyschological evolution in a nutshell. It’s the same Id screaming in the back of our head when we’re terrified of giving a presentation. In the trinity of the Super Ego, vs Id, gaming is a ‘consequence’ free way of exercising our Id, letting the ‘monster’ out of the cage. Super Ego is trying to chase it with a

I approve. But can I please have a green or purple team?

Honestly, the only time I ever see people go to cemetaries is to do anything but mourn the dead. They tend be really popular places to smoke pot, or just generally get away from urban noise. Y’never really think about how much unpoliced real estate cemetaries can have. So GO players don’t surprise me at all.

Well, in more whimsical fantasy genre, Harry Potter pretty much proposes this idea. Admitedly it’s extremely limited, and only paintings seem to have the gift of communicating, regardless to whether the subject has died or not. But the implications are that its very difficult and expensive, so only people of great

Theoretically, you’d have to figure out a way to create a copy of a brain that can be connected to our own, and slowly process ourselves across that bridge until our consciousness has crossed the ‘bridge’ at which point the corpse is separated and the original body disposed of.

The only real benefit here is that your loved ones won’t have to grieve over you. I could see this grow so popular that the entire funeral business will probably if the body is no longer a sacred artifact of our loved ones. Just dump them in a big old oven and ship the ashes away to a landfill.

Not really. The whole point of survival horror (Metroid counts) is isolation and nonlinier methods of convey exposition. You can’t really have a film about one person and a hundred monsters. Or at least, no script/director has ever tried as far as I know. So the desire to hamfist characters and plot elements to make a

Ace Attorney was almost good, and Mortal Kombat was mostly fun in a stupid sorta way. Same for the first two Resident Evil movies.

Metroid almost happened. Nintendo has trust issues though.

*Points at Pokemon Origins* Do that. Do it exactly like that. Do nothing else. Do not do Ash, do not do Team Rocket. Just do that. It’s perfectly laid out for you.

On behalf of the homosexual gaming communty: Go for it. See if they bleed rainbows.

Anyone else think that she purposly fell down as an homage to Usagi’s pentiant for being a total clutz? She recovers almost instantly, so intentional or not, she owned the performance.


This isn’t just a racial issue; It’s a classicism paranoia issue. It’s not just the idea of a black person wandering around; It’s also a case of assuming black people are lower class, and are there for desperate enough to rob, mug, or murder anyone to meet their own personal needs.