
As a cashier, I sit because of physical disabilities. Soooo I particularly dread the holiday seasons: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, it all comes with people buying a shit ton of glitter-encrusted knicknacks. It all comes off on me, and especially on my lap, and it NEVER FUCKING COMES OFF.

The boomer generation has been so nasty that most of us don’t WANT to deal with them anymore. So I’d rather just give them the dog and get them out of my hair, before they harp at me again because I’m ruining Applebees for them.

To little too late. Batman vs Superman tried to bring in fans on presumed empathy, forgetting that the last Superman movie wasn’t well loved. It made it worse by asking us to accept a rendition of Batman that we don’t have enough time in the movie to love or hate because by the nature of being a match up, has to split

I have really mixed feelings over this interpretation of Dumbledor. I have no idea how this is supposed to be the person who about (50) years later becomes the deceptively eccentric leader he’s known for. I know Gambon and the people who directed him basically screwed up his character right up till the 6th movie, but

I feel sad that my favorite Kaiju is likely never going to make it into a modern Godzilla movie. You’d Hedora would be pretty relevant given the whole global warming and pollution topics right now, but it’s really low on the list of popular monsters. I guess I just have a soft spot for it because of it’s unique it a little differently. I read it that human’s population size and reliance on nuclear energy is eventually going to bring all the Kaiju out of hybernation, so they need to be tracked down before they wake. Of course they wake up any ways.

Having finally caught on, just focus on a particular slayer in an area while the others are spread across the country, or have a catastrophe that kills most or all of them off. It only activated the of-age slayers at the time, neh? That was in 2003. Literally the exact same time that Buffy came into her own powers if

So I uh, kinda abandoned Buffy around the time that it started getting extra squirrly with the Evil Willow arc. So I have no idea how it all ends. Can someone just outright spoil it for me and explain to me why this franchise needs a reboot rather than just having Buffy retire (Or die....again) and have a new Slayer

There’s always been some sot of supernatural element to Michael, even in the original. It just wasn’t so extreme. Michael upped his game to keep up with Jason, but he was still extremely strong, and kept going even after multiple major injuries, up to and and including multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. They’re

As someone who has actually been sexually abused...I cringed. But that’s my right to cringe, and leave it at that. There’s a certain line that someone like me who fights for social justice has: My criteria for punishing people should be in correlation to the damages they do to society. Off the cuff bad-taste humor

Hi, my name is Chip. I was a white knight.

I mean, if it’s not glorifying it, and it’s not actively saying it’s a good thing to do, I don’t have a problem with it. It’s in very bad tastes, but there are lots of things that are in bad tastes that I personally hate, but hey, if that’s what you want to play, you have the right to buy it. Fantasy is fantasy.


I was a hardcore fan of Once Upon A Time, and had been so all the way through the to the end of the Dark Swan arc, even when the writing was starting to become dodgey.

But at the end of the day it’s not up to the public to interpret the constitution. It’s up to the Supreme Court, and they’ve been very, very loose with how they defined that right.

I really tend to look at a gravitation to violent games as a potential symptom, not a cause. Many people turn to game to relieve violent impulses and frustrations because when all is said and done, we’re still apes at heart that have very basic instincts. We’re not really that far from pre-monkey-touch-monolith.

It’s the dying remnants of Helecopter Parenting that I feel is swiftly on it’s way out, and good riddance. There’s a difference between being aware of what your kid is doing and putting up some barriers, and trying to keep them sheltered from the world as a whole.

Perhaps his parents keep an eye on what he’s doing? There are cases of kids whose parents moderate their channels and what not. It’s more responsible than saying “Nope” and forcing kids to find a different avenue of expression. Because no matter how modern you think you are, your kids are going to find a way around

I’d by lying if I said it was a mistake to let me run rampant on the internet when I was 12 without supervision.

I suspect you’ve got a bit of an egocentric complex you might wanna seek some help for.