
...If we got to that point, we’d probably just be able to replace the damaged parts, neh?

The problem is medical science is improving at an exponential rate. Buying that extra year with chemo might just be the time needed to perfect (relatively) and get a treatment cleared for testing and then public distribution. So it’s kind of a roll of the dice if you want to go for a questionable cure now, or try for

“Welcome! Have you come to find the good lord Jesus and embrace his word?”

Yeaaaah anyone else getting flashbacks to “Dumbledoor’s Gay!?”

I’m in a ring of friends that share daily catnap shots: Literally just pictures of all our cats being lazy.

The problem is outside there are things with big teeth, proverbial or otherwise.

Any attempt to maintain the fun of the 90s is fine by me. Too often I find myself head scratching over modern expectations of gaming: Framerate, draw distance, which game can push a console/PC the furthest before the thing spontaneously combusts. Back when I was a kid, the only eyebrow raiser was “This has more BITS!”


Man, WB just really doesn’t want to let the Harry Potter series end, huh? I guess they’re afraid of rights reversion and Disney making an offer JK can’t refuse, and someone else gets to start the whole damned thing over again.

*Pops open umbrella to shade against the sun. Umbrella bursts into flame*

I kinda suspect we won’t have miniature characters as tokens. They’ll probably be referenced in cards or spaces.

This is what happens when we start using word association rather than looking at the word’s origins and context.

Having witnessed a multiple car pile up on a Michigan freeway when a jack ass decided to take a U turn against traffic on a merging lane....

There’s still an unreliability issue. If you own your own automated car, you have your own schedule. Lately I’ve found that Uber car availability can fluctuate, and several times I’ve found myself at the mercy of rate surges when I’m due for work , or stuck in the vestibul of a grocery store with two weeks worth of

My transportation life is aleady guided by objectivism. I use Uber when I can afford it, and Busses when I can’t. My life is kind of stuck this way. I am probably never going to be found mentally or physically fit to control an automobile bigger than a moped. But I’m an active member of society, and I have places I

When the government gets involved, they tend to prefer to grant money more to people who make an effort to become mobilized and working members of society. More and more it’s become less about wellfair and more about career rehabilitation. There are a lot of cases in my state, Michigan, where there are possible jobs,

The problem is you don’t know if that person is fully capable. You’re never going to know till that person does actually have that lapse in judgement or cognition. It’s a shrodinger’s cat on a macroscopic scale. For some of us, the risk isn’t worth the benefit. Joy rides are nice, but are they worth the risk of

Because my problem is still two fold: The anxiety is the bigger issue. There are just some people that shouldn’t be put in control of two tons of very solid metal, glass, and plastic.

I’d still trust that more regardless. Kinda staying put on that stance.

Honestly I think you give humans too much credit there. If it comes to that kind of a scenario, a human isn’t going to be able to react more than “DO NOT HIT IMEDIATELY PRESENT OBSTACLE” which would probably read more like “!@#$^!@#%” and a lot of clenching.