
A little research would have revealed that this chair appears to be a derivative of sculptor Allen Jones' 1969 piece "Chair" (part of an ensemble along with "Hatstand" and "Table").… The original artworks raise issues in themselves (here's a brief article for example,

MLK thing is an american thing most non-americans arent aware of it. as a nonamerican i always read it as MILK anyway which makes me a massive racist especially as MILK is white

What kind of world do we live in where a totally hot white girl cant use a black person for furniture?

Without bringing race into it, I do appreciate the aesthetic. In the BW version, all the "furniture" is dark against the white background. And in the color version, the furniture has a beautiful brown tone (even her hair.) I don't think this would've popped had the model been white. AGAIN, looking at it

A Black Woman. Do you really need to point out that she's black? Would this sound silly to you: "Russian Socialite Poses On Chair Made Of A White Woman"?

It only hates science that goes against its beliefs. If a study's results support Jezebel's beliefs, the tone becomes "Duhhhh, we knew that before science did! Science is finally catching up!"

A new female friend gave my boyfriend and I fortune cookies. The 'cookies' were made of metal, which opened. Presumably she'd read them first.

My grandmother once told me "You've gained enough weight. Time to stop."

"Eat less Chinese take-out."

Now, see I thought drinking and smoking while you were pregnant turned your kids cool.

Does anyone know if Doug also writes for the Onion?

At least a man with this resume:… got called a "Troll" and had his NON ENGLISH name mocked because we disagree with him. Nothing says American media like ad hominem attacks and anti-intellectualism.

I would like to add to my previous post, that whatever happened to all those supporters of Gaga's "Born That Way"? Yeah, people are born that way, it's normal and natural, but looking into the in-vitro, neurologiocal metabolic events that create adult sexual preferences is trolling and stoopit and what a stoopit name

So if this scientist said exposure to whatever increases the likelihood that your child will have more flexible fingers, or smaller earlobes, or hwat have you, then I doubt there would be so much response to the study. People would shrug and say, cool, whatever. But since the guy is saying there's more likelihood

It's sad that we supporters of the LGBTQ community have been forced to fight off rediculous claims of how being molested or not having a father will "turn someone gay" for so long that we automatically dismiss legitimate scientific inquiry into human sexuality as trollish.

The Silver Lining Takeaway from this rubbish:

There are actually a lot of studies about homosexuality and having a lot of brothers. I can't remember any of the reasoning given, though. "Fraternal birth order" were the words used.

The "science troll" is a highly published neuroendicronologist. Doug, can you provide a single piece of evidence that he is a "troll" other than the fact that you have some issue with his conclusion?

I have no clue what drugs and IQ have to do with sexual orientation but I CAN logically put together what he's trying to say with the whole stress thing. Like someone correct me if I'm wrong (seriously), but isn't there a correlation between testosterone/estrogen and sexual orientation?
Also all fetuses start female,

I'm not really getting why we feel this isn't possible.