
Jezebel, you're embarrassing yourself. Every year blogs and lazy journalists bring out the same debunked statistics, contributing to moral panic and the conflation of sexual labor under coercion with working because of choice or circumstance. Most people in the sex trade do it because they need to pay their rent, and

No — This is a false and very damaging myth, Hillary! There might be a slight increase, but typically the reason why police and task forces find more victims during the super bowl is b/c they are more actively searching for them. From Rachel Lloyd, founder of GEMS:

Exotic isn't the right word, nor should lesbian parents be a shocking or surprising thing or treated differently, but in all fairness, they make up a very small percentage of parents over all and it isn't unlikely that many people would neither know or interact with lesbian parents.

They provide zero proof of trafficking of girls of any age yet site it as a major problem. These false crises events are designed to bolster funding for a dubious cause. Whether perpetuated by groups like this one or by feminists in general, the bottom line is the human trafficking aspect is nothing more than

I find that it helps to think of it in terms of how many dollars it would take to get unaltered pictures of Lena Dunham.

I think the idea that big events like the Super Bowl or national political conventions result in a swarm of sex workers has been pretty thoroughly debunked. This idea gets brought up before every big event like this but law enforcement agencies see almost no uptick in arrests for prostitution during these events and

No guys...just, no.

This sounds like a pitch meeting in the writers room to Law and Order: SVU.

Very sad and scary. It might help also if they go after the guys that are paying for their services?

This is not true and has been debunked so many times. This story pops up every super bowl.

Um, be careful with these types of stats. A certain kind of "rescue industry" charity/campaign org LOVES to publish these giant figures. For example, before the World Cup in Germany in 2006, they were saying that some crazy giant six figure number would be "trafficked".

What the fuck. Why does he have 1133 unread messages? I AM FREAKING OUT, this would make me so anxious!!

So what can be done?

Maybe you could offer $10,000 for the Grammys ballots, so we can see who voted for Macklemore?

Are you guys fucking serious with all of the Macklemore posts?

oh fuck off already about her. You're just mad because she didn't run into your arms and flay herself for going into Vogue. How dare she want to appear pretty in a magazine! THAT TRAITOR!

This whole post reads like a giant self-important defense mechanism, particularly given that you rant an impassioned defense for 99% of it and then take the last sentence to shit on her ratings (when did you start taking lessons from Bill O'Reilly?). Adam's comment could be true for internet commentors as a whole,

I sort of hate the way this site treats Lena Dunham. None of the criticism of her is ever constructive. It's like, "WAH. Lena Dunham talked shit about us because we were total assholes to her." Surprise.

For the love of dog, Jezebel, let it go, just let it go.

DAMN Jezebel has been getting touchy lately.