Well, wait, is the study actually incorrect? Does the author say women are evil or stupid?
Well, wait, is the study actually incorrect? Does the author say women are evil or stupid?
Stay away from science, Douglas.
God, another awful article from the master of terrible articles, Doug Barry.
A kinda-sorta apology is still better than no apology .... Jezebel. Hint Hint Hint.
I think the simple dull responses (many of at lead) appear uneducated and ill informed.
For one, CONTEXT! If she was talking about a person of another color or trying to make a disparaging comment about someone's actions maybe I'd care, but I don't. Neither do most of you who say it to each other all the time then stutter when you see a real nigga, as if I can't hear across a room. Don't worry, I won't…
PLEASE! All you while people! Stop being offended for me! This is not racist, its stupid. The kind of stupid that if you ignore, will go away. Id rather you spend time addressing your personal privilege and hire black editors, or editors of color so they can NOT write about how stupid Madonna is.
This article is ignorantly "casually racist". What Madonna did is emulate others using it as a term of endearment. Does she have no right ...based on the color of her skin? That is a true example of racism. Was it crude and tacky, yes I'd agree. There are no words that are "only ok to be used by the minority". You are…
Yeah, women enjoy the advantage of being paid less for the same work, being on the receiving end of sexual harassment and being more likely to be raped and murdered. YAY WHITE PRIVILEGE.The author assigned collective moral guilt based on an erroneous historical argument –albeit in a glib and superficial way—about an…
I think what she did was not something I would do, however with that said, Madonna is very under rated on this forum. She is an incredible lady who continues to inspire millions and millions people around the world. True - she does not save lives at a hospital or defend innocent people on the street, but Madonna is a…
Madonna has posed nude with big daddy kane. She can say whatever she wants.
#1 Nigga is not a racial slur, It is used by black and white people all over in rap and R&B songs all the time.
srsly get off her dick
yeah the woman with the black child and the latin amerian child who dates almost exclusively latin americans MUST be a huge racist...
White people are adopting black children hoping that one day it gives them a free pass to say Nigga. No exaggeration. That's how seriously desperate some of them are to use the word.
I think it's fairly obvious Madonna is not racist. However, that doesn't preclude her from being an idiot sometimes, this being one of them. I'm a huge Madonna fan, but yes, she can be a bit of a dick sometimes. Also, I hate the "I'm sorry if you were offended..." routine. You might as well say "I'm sorry if you…
I wasn't aware that Madonna has "done the oppressing" to anybody—and I doubt her working class Italian ancestors did either. I also doubt that she's keen on being lumped together with sadistic, genocidal slave traders because of a word she tweeted. That said, it's certainly not a polite word to tweet, and anybody…
"I am not a racist."
Doesn't she also have a black son? Or did she return him?
Hell yes.