
"why are conservatives even wasting their time drawing attention to Wendy Davis in such a sexist, shitty way when all the overreaction does is remind people that Davis's opponent, Greg Abbott, is of a party of petty, sexist bigots?"

It sounds like she's lied a fairly decent amount, and that she probably wasn't a good parent.

But nope, we're only allowed to afford kindness and empathy to People Who Think Like Us. It doesn't matter what people look like. It matters what they think like. And if they don't think exactly like we think, fuck 'em!

More important than that, even, is that we laud overweight people for having the courage to not workout or eat healthy.

There's "dieting" and there's dieting based on healthy foods and avoiding garbage.

I always wonder how much better people would do if they just decided to start their New Years Resolutions on December 1st. They'd get a month of empty gyms, and by the time January 1 rolled around, they'd have that extra "okay, now its really the New Year!" motivation to keep them going for another month. Then

Oh, totally agreed.

Do you eat healthy? Are you in good shape?

Why is "get in shape" bullshit again? Michelle Obama, hero of Jezebel, encourages that very thing.

Eh, you rolled around in the mud with a pig. Good for you. You really showed him.

best comment I've ever read!

Sounds like a battle of intellectual heavyweights.

"But it's not "just" the internet. It's real life. "

Gee, I wonder if you're liked in the office or not.

I worked with a woman once who was convinced that she was only looked-over for promotions because she was a woman who happened to be assertive. And for a while I believed her.

"My point was that regardless of a particular woman's "natural" tendencies, a women who is considered professionally "well-liked" tends to be one who has tamped down her naturally aggressive or argumentative or loud tendencies."

Your assumption that women are naturally not as aggressive as men, or that they are not naturally more inclined to compromise than men, is not rooted in science. It is your personal belief. Gillibrand expressed a personal belief, with no facts supporting it, that runs counter to your baseless claim.

I wonder, what percent of people, particularly men, would get married if the full legal ramifications were made clear to them?