
"But anyone who seriously believes that rounding up a bunch of adults for the marital equivalent of legally mandated drivers ed will make a lick of difference to the divorce rate is deluded."

FWIW, in general, I make a real effort to never attribute any negative characteristic to anyone that I do not personally know, and even then, I only do so when forced to make a decision while interacting with them. Otherwise, I leave people be and assume that they are not terrible humans.

Yes. You racist.

I think it depends who you talk to. On the left, anyone who says anything even remotely non-laudatory of a minority is a bigot and racist. Even saying a naughty word in COMPLETE jest, or citing a statistic without attributing a cause, is enough to be labeled a vile racist, without a second thought given to context.

I disagree that there is a line. I don't think there is, for anything.

I think there's truth to what you're saying, but I think the goals are still the same —- produce results for other people and make them feel good in the process. A woman might have to do that in a different way than a man, due to how others may perceive her, but the goal-posts aren't moved.

Sometimes I think that people who have a total aversion to racial humor are afraid that acknowledging it might reveal some racism that they're trying to hide from others.

Part of me thinks that people are so NOT racist that they have absolutely no problem making jokes about race because they're confident that doing so won't reveal any hidden malice.

""Well-liked" is just a euphemism for "is none of the above" and "toes the line".

I'm a guy, and I'm not sure if I want to be liked. I don't think I particularly care anymore.

On a scientific level, one would think the hormonal differences between men and women would drive SOME behavioral differences. I don't know why we must deny this.

"but in a male-dominated society, men and women earn approval through different kinds of behavior. Men earn it by being dominant, stoic, and independent; women earn it by being cooperative, emotive, and collaborative. "

Not true. Humans are, by their nature, gregarious. Women have no more a desire to be liked than men, but rest assured, they want to be liked. Everyone does, in some form or another.

Leftover? It's January and she's several months pregnant. There is no leftover candy.

If a guy finds pregnant women to be particularly hot, it's a fetish caused by something in his past. Same with a love of MILFs.

I'll pay $75,000 for non-airbrushed pictures of her in labor.

Not even a little bit.

So, you're just assuming this is racist because... why?

The combination of politics and pop culture really bothers me.

Ugh, men.