You've read or heard about the things that go on in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Central Asia, right?
You've read or heard about the things that go on in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Central Asia, right?
And still is a total comedic zero.
Eh, Florentine rules and has a story about that. It's comedy based on personal experience. I see no reason for outrage, given the context.
11! 11! Wow!
Can we blame this on white men?
I, and nearly all of the guys I hang out with, have virtually no range of emotion and react in an entirely predictable manner to almost everything.
Duh. Causing an opponent to react with emotion rather than logic is a win.
That's what I've tried to tell every significant other I've ever had.
Would that we could, though!
Well, typically, rich people spend a lot more time on work than people who aren't rich, though.
I read a study last year that proved the factor that most closely correlated to the enjoyment a sample of women had with their sexual partners was not "love," nor was it physical attractiveness, nor did it have anything to do with his caaahk. The single most important factor was how much money he made.
That's an extremely valid critique, then. Given the new shit that has come to light, I also consider this guy to be a douche.
Isn't it easier to buy clothes online? I don't know the last time I purchased clothing in a store.
It isn't your fault that the company can't do enough to attract your business.
Their management has been grasping at straws for some time now to find a way to win costumers, and literally nothing has worked. In fact, everything they've done to date has exacerbated the financial problems. JC Penney might not be long for this world.
Consumers tend to be lazy, weak, and stupid?
Considering that's what the expert witnesses, the police, and the jury all believed, yes, I am saying that.
Excellent point. People want to sensationalize all of this.
That doesn't make sense. America, and the world as a whole, is much safer nowadays than it ever has been.
Judging from what I've heard, there are virtually no similarities between this case and the Zimmerman case. This guy had no reason to believe he was at risk of being murdered or suffering extreme bodily harm.