
There was no evidence that race had anything to do with the Zimmerman tragedy either, but that didn't stop people like this author from making that gigantic assumption.

You're overly simplified him. He's like Walter White, or Tony Soprano, or Josey Wales, or Hank Moody or any other dynamic character. He's neither entirely good nor bad. He's got positive characteristics and negative ones.

You're being way too rational about this, I think. Can't you see that the white gal's burden is being addressed here?

Pretty much summed it up.

You're imbuing a prejudicial racial bias onto other people when you say that. You understand this, don't you?

Really? If they have a marketing campaign and apply it to every market except one, and in that one use a woman of color, you don't think that is condescending?

So you're saying that an audience of african americans will respond more positively to an african american in the advertisement?

Is it condescending to actively NOT use white people when marketing to African Americans?

So when you market to people, you've got to use race?

I don't like you, I don't like this topic, and I don't like several of the writers here. That's why I rarely comment. But I read regularly because on occasion something worthwhile is posted here. The rest of the time, I enjoy some good hate-reading and love to shout "OH MY GOD, THIS CAN'T BE SERIOUS" to myself.

LOL! Yeah, that's it.

No, his weaknesses and character flaws bring about negative consequences. His traits are neither entirely negative nor entirely positive.

"The man who chooses to spread out is demonstrating his ability to dominate the empty subway car by expanding to take up as much of the empty territory as he wishes. A male trait. A fat (or thin) woman will take only what she needs. "

Women have commented on this article that they do this exact same thing. My answer is this: if the car or bus is not near capacity, who gives a shit?

Sorry to hear that. It's a shame that people are so hurtful and violent.

Why do you just assume that men aren't also taught to be a "proper gentleman," and told to have good posture, and to be courteous of others?

So you're saying there is a splayed leg culture?

It is certainly rude to wait for someone to ask. It certainly is NOT rude to take up a lot of space when plenty of other seats are available.

I think you hang out with the wrong people, if they can even be called that.

Actually, I removed all emotion from the argument and focused entirely on causes and effects. I can see how that could be confused with trolling though. ....