But that isn't what is actually shown. What is shown is open space.
But that isn't what is actually shown. What is shown is open space.
What's wrong with this?
This is the typical post on the site:
After looking at some of the pictures on her site, I don't understand the problem, or rather, I think many of the pictures actually fail to showcase it.
Are you kidding? Her ass is a 1-percenter of the 1-percent!
Violence will never go away so long as people say "good for you!" when someone responds to words with violence.
I wish that people fought with fists more than guns too, but that doesn't mean people should fight. Period. They shouldn't, and you should never escalate a situation to violence because someone called you a name.
Well, I hope that you some day realize the error in that line of thinking. Violence will always beget violence.
"And if he doesn't openly manifest that racism in public, he can't perpetuate the social disease of racism"
Everyone involved in this issue an asshole. I'm not defending anyone for spewing absurd and stupid hatred, or responding to it with violence.
No, in your ideal scenario it will turn him into a hypocrite in the future and it force his resentment to be silent and hidden from scrutiny. This leads to absolutely no meaningful change.
Yep, when someone says something awful, they deserve punched in the face.
Yes, I'm sure this guy learned that racism is wrong by getting punched in the face.
For allegedly escalating words to violence?
I dunno. I'm a dude. I've no idea what hair is good and what doesn't to people who actually understand the thought that goes into putting a look together. What I do know is that I don't find it particularly attractive in this case, not that my opinion matters.
I hate Greek Life on campus and think it is generally ridiculous and vapid, but this whining nonsense leaves me hating each side of the issue.
"I'd bet that's due in no small way to the social messaging around what should make us happy."
Could Sofia Vergara, Taylor Swift, or Kate Mara be any better? The answer is absolutely not, on every front.
...but the hair!
"and then... you know... like broadcasting that out into the world as if what you're doing is objectively correct and there are no other ways to do it "correctly""