This site has so much potential. It's a shame to see it so frequently squandered with this kind of nonsense.
This site has so much potential. It's a shame to see it so frequently squandered with this kind of nonsense.
And for absolutely no reason.
Because her sensibilities are different than yours, and decidedly non-Liberal?
If not for smarm, where would a terrible writer turn?
What are you talking about? Who is advocating the immediate removal of all social safety nets that society has been trained to rely on? Is anyone doing that? Anyone? No? Ok, so why do you think I am?
What's it like being so paranoid?
My swag would be 100 years. In 100 years the current paradigm of government coercion will be on its way out or a barbaric relic of the past.
"Comparing libertarians to abolitionists and suffragettes is the very height of delusion. "
"Except libertarianism isn't about progress. It's about taking us back to the gilded era. "
Typical American Revolutionary delusion. I'll believe it when I see it. Typical abolitionist delusion. I'll believe it when I see it. Typical suffragette delusion. I'll believe it when I see it. Typical civil rights movement delusion. I'll believe it when I see it. Typical gay marriage proponent delusion. …
Eventually private enterprises and individuals will care for those groups, too, better than government does and that pendulum will swing. It's only a matter of time.
I wonder if this is telling:
And because they come from privilege, they are therefore incapable of understanding anyone else's life or situation and as a result are cold and evil.
No argument from me on any of that.
Also, anyone who drifts towards libertarianism is probably an unwitting supporter of thin privilege, too.
Yeah, true. They're the worst. We definitely need more government and anyone who doesn't believe that is a silly, corporate, shill, who is blinded by his white, heteronormative upper-class privilege.
I think most of the writers here, aside for Lindy, struggle to put thought-provoking and thoughtful pieces together. And, as a general rule, philosophical consistency is almost always absent. But I do read regularly because the comments are always interesting.
It sounds like something that makes absolutely no sense, is not rooted in fact, and is completely illogical.
What would you expect from this writer?
Haha, because people with differing political views than you are stoooppid and never think.