
Why do you find her pretentious? Black women aren’t supposed to do performance art? She’s so creative on so many levels, and I see nothing but pure joy in her performances.

+1 Tenenbaums reference

Grammar number two question mark

Yes, they can and yes, there is.

This article is probably more comprehensive than the FBI report, sadly.

Putting aside the sexual assault (if that’s possible)...

I think she believed that Africa was going to be like one giant Ralph Lauren photo shoot, with beautiful Waspy white people elegantly draped over Land Rovers, or posing with cheetahs on the savannah. This whole trip just screams “noblesse oblige.”

The trial fucking enraged me. Kobe had his scumbag lawyer “accidentally” use the accuser’s full name in open court half a dozen times just to make sure it got out there so legions of unhinged fans would make her life a living hell until she gave up and went away. And it fucking worked. The judge threatened to hold her

1. Eh, your badges point isn’t wrong, but it’s also a bit of a dodge. Yeah, the badges make a big difference, and grinding them to their maxed-out level is hugely rewarding. But earning and maxing-out the badges—particularly the shooting and shot-creation badges— is much, much easier if your skill ratings have been

Based on Kelsi's Instagram, she finds Chlamydia kinda catchy.

Christ, I wish I could give Christine Blasey Ford a hug. This is the truest and most agonizing act of patriotism I have ever seen.

I relapsed after 10 years of sobriety the day the elections results came back.  I shit you not, I was recovering from a back surgery, realized Donald Fucking Trump was going to be the POTUS.  My mind began to fragment and the only thing I could think of was to take a few pain pills to blot out this new reality.  I was

‘I’m a very famous person, unfortunately.’

I absolutely fucking hate him. I don’t know what else to say at this point.

Some are legit, but Behind Closed Ovens/Off the Menu this ain’t.

Predictions: because this is the Wolves, it will somehow end with both Butler and Towns gone, Wiggins still here, and some picks they package together to get, I don’t know, fucking Rudy Gobert or some shit.

“You are the biggest idiot on this thread.”

Rarely does one see a sentence that by its very posting immediately defeats its premise.

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

“When I heard that, I called my agents, and I was like, ‘It’s me! Guaranteed. 100 percent it’s me. It’s a plot they’ve been trying to kill me for years, now’s their chance. They hate me.’ I was, like, crying...

Messy Twitter Link Guy is an approved commentator and I’m still in the grays? I am “hurt and disgusted” by this.