
I do have it handy to check — the dialogue is lifted directly from McCarthy’s text. (Sorry for the god awful picture.)

How could you overlook the use of “in a jackpot” in the Coen Brothers’ Oscar-winning “No Country For Old Men.” Llewelyn Moss has a cab driver circle a motel when he suspects something is afoot in his room. The following exchange occurs:

All I care about is that Bobby’s still here.  Amen.

I’m no math major—nor, clearly, are these lawyers—but I think “a minimum of 1,500/2,000” is better termed “a minimum of 1,500.”

What sucks is that this makes total sense for Boogie. He’ll hit a market flush with more cap space and another year removed from an Achilles injury, and after he wins a championship, the loser/cancer label will be gone. I can’t even cry foul here.

Univision massively fucked up GMG (websites sharing the same beat (e.g. They have A.V. Club but still also have generalist TV/Movie coverage on both Jez and io9 which is stupid), pointless acquisitions, refusing to specialise sites) so to “balance the books” decided to sack 30% of the staff. Instead, according to the

Is there a list of departing GMG staff anywhere? I know a lot of folks are taking the buyout, but I’d like to see it all in one spot, so I know the hellscape we’re staring down.

I’d love to have an RV and travel the country on a whim. But no part of that dream of freedom includes living in a compound with a bunch of fancy assholes.

The best part is when she fell through the ceiling. 

Can’t get in trouble if you are adding -er, -y or -s to a last name.

And by extension, US men won’t have to test at all!

MAGA: Motorcycles Are Going Away

Can you.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’ll be at least a decade after Trump leaves office before we even get back to where we were with Obama (which was not great but its at least a reference point). And thats if we don’t backslide again during that period. It’ll be even longer before we make any real actual

Yeah, but you wouldn’t use that scanner they used on him 2 seconds before? Instead of just straight up shooting her?

the interview part went south for a variety of reasons which I will detail at a later date


It was me this time.