
Best Friday afternoon post ever! Thanks.

WTF Florida?

They are starting to look stupid pretty much all the time.

Can't these two just ever wear some normal freaking clothes?


Gotta say it: this is kinda rad!


Score one for "unschooling" I guess.

Um, wow.

Good look single parent dad! Also, yeah, I wouldn't be okay with my girl sleeping in a bed with strange men either; that just won't work.

When my kid says "Fuck it", I consider that to be a "bad" word/phrase. However, I just tell her that we don't say those kinds of words (at least not anymore!). I made sure to teach her the names of all of her body parts because it's her damn body there's nothing bad about it.

Fuck the NYPD. Seriously.

4G is much faster.

Go away, large black box.

CBS evening news, brought to you by Viagra and Cialis. Also, it's mostly you white dudes who have dick problems.

Sigh. Well, I guess they'll be back to sexting and internet porn.

Jesus Christ, were you not breastfed or something?

Nothing beats this mug shot.

And white dreads...

I'm all over that once the top is let out a tad; the color is glorious on her. Also, DOZE shoes! Boom.