
Don't worry; my grandma has stored up enough under the sink to get us straight through to the apocalypse.

I'm guessing the reward for each question was reduced by roughly 20% as well.

Say whatever you want about good ol' "Hurts like Satan" up there, he looks GOOD.

Oh no. Here's how being a religious, God-believing person works. You go and you pray to whatever form of God/representative of God you believe in. Then you go and you live your life in a way that speaks to that belief. Then you SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

My cat was named "Diamond."

This is upsetting to me and I would imagine most pro-choice people. The thing that really bugs me though is that the people restricting abortion access do not care at all about women being stuck with abusive men. They opposed the violence against women's renewal (seriously, WTF guys) and they think domestic violence

Today in obvious news: forced birth turns out to be a bad idea! More at 11.

Hipster Level: you've probably never heard of this level.

As soon as they have enough to retire!

Hell, I'd dismiss it because of that, also. Grammar skills, people; spelling, correct use of whatever language you're using, etc. (I'd do all kinds of foolishness for a guy who could diagram a sentence properly. And have.)

The landlord offered me a price of 1500 a month. I asked for 1400. He said no. I pay 1500 a month.

Die Veal Man!

What is the diameter of this pepperoni stick? Is it like one of those slim jim style snack sticks or thick like summer sausage? How does he lubricate this?

It's sad that my silver lining to this is "well, at least he didn't call her a fucking bitch or ask to fuck her right in the pussy."

Well, as a true dyed-in-the-wool pervert who used to sell sex toys, I can tell you that my immediate first thought was, "oh yeah. Textured." So that would be my guess as to why pepperoni. If you don't want to go out and buy a big veiny dildo, this might be your cheapest option. Or else he's using the cheap stuff

"I'll take... two meats," she says finally.

Back in college I had a lot of premarital sex WHILE having a beard. I'm glad I didn't go to this school...

You'd think any school that forces its gay students to stay in the closet would be all about beards.

....because beard bans are the most outdated policies at BYU.... *serious side-eye*

Fuck that. She's awesome. What I hate most is that this story doesn't surprise me.