I can’t wait til the Celtics don’t do anything. Again.
I can’t wait til the Celtics don’t do anything. Again.
Yeah, it’s pretty much just an examination. And I’d pump the brakes vigorously on calling Ainge “one of the best GMs ever”—and I’m a Celtics fan. He’s been good. Very good, even. But I think Ainge’s current campaign to make the Celts into contenders has changed form and run into a few snags along the way, no time more…
OK, but it’s really not a takedown.
I think it was more about Butler wanting to be gone. The Bulls management are happy to make the first round of the playoffs.
Not my point, he’s a great fit for Minnesota. The point being is that if the bulls kept him they would just middle around a 500 basketball team and get nowhere. And since Boston wasn’t going to trade for him this was the best that could be done.
Dude...jimmy isn’t THAT good. He’s a stellar defender but hes not a number 1 player on a team.
By this standard other than the 2015 Warriors who was the last “built” title team- Cleveland bought Lebron and then poached Love, the Celtics traded for Allen and Garnett, the Lakers for Pau, any subsequent Spurs title has Lamarcus- what maybe the 2011 Mavs or 2014 Spurs?
This is dumb.
Also, what the fuck is a leader on a baseball team? “Hey fellas, try to hit the ball your next at bat” “Shit sparky, I was thinking of striking out, but your idea sounds way better!”
I don’t know, from what I understand, Joe DiMaggio was a man of very few words. All he had to do was look at you and you knew whether you were doing the right thing or not. I guess it depends on what you mean by communication.
Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.
A hail-mary apology couldn’t save former ESPN and, now, former Denver Post columnist Terry Frei after the seven-time…
Preach brother. Floyd hasnt been in a good fight since De La Hoya, and even that was borderline... one could argue it stretches all the way back to Castillo II.
Dept of Justice comment line:
This is the breaking story that is going to take us from yesterday’s “gee, isn’t that basically obstruction of justice?” to tomorrow’s “Holy shit, that is clearly and unequivocally Obstruction of Justice and that motherfucker needs to go to jail!”
Welcome to today’s America — you fight and fight and fight and as soon as you make it to the other side of the tracks, they shoot you.
I really want to know what the play call was there. It looked like nobody for the Wizards even thought to go get the ball from the inbounder for the first like 3.5 seconds? and then it clicked for Wall that somebody’s gotta do something and then the Good Thing happened.