
No they haven’t.

Designated Jizz Towel?

They need to get back to their roots

You demand that people improve themselves continuously and go to the toughest jobs imaginable, and yet here you are year after year concocting word salads for a website that used to crowdsource funding for athlete dick pictures.

D.C. United drops upwards of $3.5 million plus a seven-figure salary to sign Paul Arriola today. LA drops $8 million to bring Carlos Vela to an expansion team. Dom Dwyer gets sold (between two MLS teams!) two weeks ago for $1.5 million.

“MLS sucks because all the players are bad”

First the Ponzi scheme post last week, now this. Show us on the doll where MLS touched Deadspin.

Billy I think you’ve done it. You’ve finally written your worst piece on deadspin. You should be proud

Jesus fuck me, you’re straight retarded son!

Imagine being the kind of person who defends the NFL on a sports blog!

You seem to be a dipshit.

You mean that the NFL gave them “unrestricted” money and then restricted the research they could conduct? Yes, that is highly contradictory.

The fact that the NIH is willing to let the deal lapse without pushing for the millions of dollars they were promised is a sign of how broken the relationship with the NFL has become, thanks to the league’s heavy-handed attempts to guide the research. Though the NFL called the gift “unrestricted” when it was

A front loaded NFL contract that they had no intention of honoring? They must have thought the NIH was a player.

Well, it was fun while it lasted. The next 15 years are going to be bad, but not unfamiliar.

I know it can’t happen, but how fun would it be to watch Kyrie and Melo have a “Who can take/make the most difficult shot contest” EVERY NIGHT in the Garden while Spike and Kristaps look on.

Well this is an awfully bold maneuver.

He isn’t even the most overrated player on the Raptors.

That take has balls the size of Atlas stones. Lowry is just the second-most-overrated player in Toronto’s starting backcourt.