Such an annoying comment. Fredo gets blamed for everything.
Such an annoying comment. Fredo gets blamed for everything.
Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...
Even Hitler didn’t have music festivals with Blink-182.
excuse you but that should be “It’s a hipster holocaust center”. gees.
My uncle had his splant removed. Still can’t get a boner to this day.
You show ‘em...stick to your principles...except where your entertainment takes priority.
What a principled fucking stand, your balls must be huge. You’re basically Martin Luther King Jr.
the fuck’s a splant?
Yeah these days it’s pretty hard not to have a liberal slant if you’re going to remark at all on the world and not be a raging asshole. When acknowledging that racism or sexism exists is “liberal,” among a whole host of other very basic things, appearing to be politically unbiased is impossible.
The funniest part of your comment is you think that it makes you an exception because “I don’t watch Fox News” when it actually makes you the poster child because you state you actively boycott the channel because of “liberal splant [sic].” And the bonus lulz is how you give yourself an out for “live sports”.
ESPN sure showed its true colors with their incessant promotion of well-known liberal icon Tim Tebow.
“the live sports I need to.” Profiles in Courage
Where is it obvious? Their support for females associated with ESPN? They’re not dragging gay athletes just for being gay, so is that liberal? They seldom foray into health care debates a retains to the ACA so that seems unlikely. Which part is liberal?
But, are you really “stuck”? Do you really “need” to watch TV?
the irony in their argument is that the people who have stopped supporting ESPN via cable subscriptions, is probably massively liberal. we all know that old white guys can’t use the interwebs for anything other than being that uncle on facebook, so they need ESPN
This. I would estimate the number of people who have dropped their basic cable subscription because ESPN offended their conservative sensibilities to be exactly zero.
If you’re so firmly conservative that your mind goes immediately to “ESPN’s liberal agenda is killing them!”, you are likely a strong supporter of Fox News. If you have Fox News, you have cable. And if you have’re paying ESPN like $80 a year even if you never touch the channel.
Not Safe For Primetime
The God-level hypocrisy of a guy that did everything the wrong way for like 30 years, had the time of his life, and now makes millions on TV, telling kids to keep on the straight and narrow.