
practice runs


9/10. Perfect score if you had finished with "Feelin' Hoony".

What about GAP insurance? I think sometimes it can make sense, as in for vehicles that depreciate unusually quickly (unicorns) if a purchaser has very little down.

[Patiently waits for David Wilf to be sued by the NFL for copyright infringement.]

I guarantee those in the stadium heard more too. Goddamn I love fly-overs.

No Super Bowl is complete without a gaudy display of militarism

There are higher states of existence.

This commercial is as common as a car commercial here in the LA market.

Oh, so let's discredit the moment where the center fucked up the snap, where the RT fucked up the block, causing Peyton throw a fuck up for Moreno to fuck up in chasing it, where the special teams fucks up in tackling 1 guy on a perfect kick, where the defense proceeds to fuck up every 3rd down while also fucking

My grandparents immigrated here from Italy in the 1930's, and very eagerly and proudly became citizens. Part of that process REQUIRED them to learn english. To their dying days while maintaining great pride in their European heritage, they though of themselves first and foremost as American citizens, as they had

Looks like someone's never heard of the Sixth Amendment.

This post was supposed to happen yesterday, but I forgot I had jury duty. Apologies!

Finally! I forget I even have the Metro Apps. I treat Win 8 like Win 7. Other than the annoying Metro Apps. Win 8 really isn't bad at all. Especially 8.1.

That's much better than the video when Michael Vick gave two dogs tickets to the "Finals".

The mayor of Sochi insists there are no "graphic designers" in his city (winkski winkski nudgeski nudgeski).

This was just the gay Breakout they feared.

Set the DVRs; US vs Canada in Curling at 12 AM on 12/18 (11 PM on the 17th for us Midwesterners, which is awesome).

Geez, what a thug. He just said he goes into the strip club and doesn't even tip.

Jesus F1 is scary.