The real shoe is you can’t use their service for quality viewing experiences like IMAX, CinemarkXD, et al.
The real shoe is you can’t use their service for quality viewing experiences like IMAX, CinemarkXD, et al.
Just bought a new house with filthy tile. Got the Scooba (not listed as for sale today) and ran it every day for a week. Clean tile! All while we did more important things like paint, and play Age of Empires.
Just bought a new house with filthy tile. Got the Scooba (not listed as for sale today) and ran it every day for a…
Army Navy football game, USAFA, 2006. SO LOUD
I went to an interview as a outdoor education instructor. I went in khakis and a polo. I was immediately put in a climbing harness and asked to demonstrate my skills. Still think I should always wear a suit?
YES! A million times yes! My wife and I both went to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, an expensive, private, engineering/aviation school. We graduated with a combined debt of $130K since both of us had scholarships of some sort, it saved us from the 220K it would have been. We graduated in 2010 & 2011. She got a…
Combining a watch and a FOB is not replacing a FOB with a watch. It *IS* one less thing, and it's the future, grandpa.
Yeah, they have a bunch. I'm wearing mine right now, eliminated my eye strain headaches
My Galaxy Note 3 has it. As long as it's Qi
My engine mounts in my 2008 Audi A4 2.0T have been deflated for 2 or so years. I notice no problems with this, and it's $1,000+ to fix. Any reason I'm not aware of I should get it fixed?
Sorry, I should have specified a working* IRST, although we don't KNOW that PAK-FA's really works I guess.
It isn't clear from the reporting, but it isn't a failure on the part of the rubber component in this case. The fan blades are supposed to cut themselves a perfect sized hole in this material (think mechanical pencil eraser) and they got too hot and pulled on by too many Gs so they cut themselves too big a hole in the…
Don't count the PAK-FA as too far behind. We don't have good RCS measurements on it yet, unless you are typing about things you ought not to be typing about. Also, for all our advanced designs, we don't have an IRST on either the 22 or the 35. The PAK-FA does.
But where else will me measure my 0-60 time?
I follow you, man. I love kids, but am probably not going to have any myself (because reasons); but this guy is more than a tad off. Not because he doesn't like kids, but because he HATES them, harasses them, and says "without exception, all babies are ugly all the time." Any generalization like that about the…
Yeah, but how did you block me from liking and commenting on your Facebook posts?
Ever wish you could give that asshat who cut you off on the freeway more than just a honk of your horn? General Motors' Chinese R&D division is working on an app that lets you scan other people's license plates and then send messages to their phones.
Ever wish you could give that asshat who cut you off on the freeway more than just a honk of your horn? General Motors' Chinese R&D division is working on an app that lets you scan other people's license plates and then send messages to their phones.
I agree with your article except one slight difference...