
Lol. Unless it’s Starbucks which, why?

100% agree.

Beyond that  there’s a large faction that aren’t political but rather dumb, selfish fucks who choose not to care because they want to get their drink on. 

I like the pink floral for those. Something about the juxtaposition (if that’s the right word) works.

I did just that!  It took a lot longer than I thought because the universe has no respect for my plans. Thus far, it has been worth every roadblock.  Go for it.  I ended up in Atlantic Canada in a very sleepy beach town.  It’s divine. 

Thank you for this.

Thank you. I cannot imagine what these families must feel seeing t-shirts and stickers and all of the media stuff.

I wasn’t making fun of her lips. I wasn’t trying to imply that you were either.

Good for them. Say their names, I get it. But if the people and the ones that loved them get shouted down then the ship needs to be righted.

Not weird & congrats on your vaccine. Me, I am ok with whatever a person wants to do with their body. 

Good point on the vaseline. I mostly use Homeoplasmine at home for minor stuff. It’s not dissimilar to vaseline I think but not widely available in the US.   IDK if a home medicine cabinet has Amerigel & Dakin’s readily available. I’d probably just reach for the hydrogen peroxide but I could see mixing up Dakin’s if I

There’s a lot of territory between fine and indicated.  At any rate, a splash of peroxide vs soapy water or saline isn’t going to have any significant impact on the initial clotting of a cut or scrape. In the instance where something is particularly dirty, I’d go with the peroxide for the first wash.


Hydrogen peroxide is fine for the initial cleaning of a cut or scrape. The problem with using it on older/healing wounds is that it is an indiscriminate killer. It will kill the delicate, healing tissue along with the germs thus impeding healing. It can be diluted and safely used on infected wounds but it’s almost

There’s no reason that you had to be naked that I am aware of.  I’ve delivered twice and been present at 3 or 4 other births. There were no naked people except the baby.

It fucking well should be.

Submitted for your approval, the humble bacon & cream cheese sandwich on raisin bread.  For some reason, raisin bread holds up better than other sliced bread so it lends itself well to pockets & purses.  It’s got everything you might be craving- sweet, salty, smoky, squishy, crunchy, cheesy, meaty, fruity in a very

The conversation doesn’t need to include any shaming the dude. Maybe that would make it more comfortable for the letter writer. Just say “Hey this isn’t working. I need to order in a way that leaves me leftovers for lunch tomorrow.” Then you can have the discussion about how best to do that.

I am so glad to see this. Food insecurity is real and way more common than most people know. School vacations and summers were always such a strain on my food budget when I had kids at home. We were not in a low income area or eligible for reduced/free meals.  It was still a struggle sometimes though.