
You deserved better.  Solidarity.

Funny... The weight and balance are why I love mine so much.

Knives, like cars really depend on who’s using them in many ways I think.  For me, the Cutcos are my favorites.  I prefer them over my Henckels and Wusthofs.  I like the blades, the weight and the ergonomics of them so much more. 

There is no hope.

This is a valid fear. I recently lost part of a fingertip to one I decided to finally try.

And to you. I would think that moderate asthma + immunosuppressants would put you solidly in eligible territory but I know that each state is a bit different depending on availability and the minutiae of qualifiers. One of my kids got his vaccine last week and it looks like the other will be eligible as of next week. 

I won’t do any dough that needs to be overnighted in the fridge.  I do not have the patience or forethought for any of that. 

The butter thing is perhaps the most difficult adjustment to Canadian life that I (a recent immigrant) have had to make. It does not help that I have a spouse who will not cut the brick along the package lines.

Now I want a martini. I add a splash of hot sauce to mine making it a hot and dirty.  They’re divine. 

I feel like the parties are intent change?

Thanks for the info. There is so much nuance in MS- it’s maddening sometimes. The state’s criteria for the next phase includes “neurological conditions” so I’m thinking that barring any “organ transplant” type qualifiers,  he will be eligible in that round.

That solid organ transplant thing really burst my bubble. I have a loved one on chemotherapy for cancer and I couldn’t believe that didn’t qualify them.  

Hey there. Nurse here and I am sorry but I’m wondering if you’ve considered oral candidiasis? It can present like lichen planus. Either way, I’m hoping that your prescribers have stressed the importance of rinsing your mouth & throat after you use your steroid inhaler. Those inhalers are great but they can make you

And the Repubs base will still vote for them and think their great because they post pics of themselves with guns and shitty racist hot takes.

I hope that the next chance comes soon for you.

IDK... to me, if there’s no fraud on either end then it’s better than a shot going to waste. Your refusing an honest shot doesn’t mean that a phase 1 person would necessarily get it does it?  Some clinics have extras that are going to be thrown out. That would be a terrible waste.

My intent was to be succinct, nothing else. It was an earnest answer to your earnest question I thought.  Things do read differently than they sound in our heads when we’re composing comments I suppose.  Be well.

It’s not as simple as the J&J vaccine “only being 72%effective in the US”-

Say it’s annoying then- or controlling or uptight or irritating. Whatever it is that describes the behavior that you don’t like or how it’s making you feel is the right way to phrase it.  OCD isn’t it though.  

IDK-- How would one be able to do things like open a door or make a grilled cheese if the shoes keep them 2 feet away from the thing they’re trying to reach?