I made a gorgeous apfelkuchen on a whim and it will now be in regular rotation. I’d never heard of using a yeast dough as a coffeecake base but it is perfect and the first still warm slice was the stuff that dreams are made of. I’m enjoying a piece now with a cold glass of milk. Sidenote- I am shit at opening milk…
Oh for sure. I was referring to the Conways’ careers and conservative fame. I wouldn’t imply that abuse is the domain of only conservatives.
He will be in an earlier phase because the chemo + the cancer= 2 comorbidities so age won’t factor into it (at least not in his state). I’d love to hear more about the immune response testing your group is (or may be?) doing as the info comes out. Any comments or links you’re comfortable with sharing would be…
I have super sensitive skin and cystic acne. Putting a new product on my face will cause a flare more often than not. I’ve been able to use a lipstick on my cheeks. I tried it thinking that if it was going to bother me I would’ve had a breakout around my mouth already. I love the blendability of lipstick as a blush. I…
“I still remember that moment when it all became crystal clear. I swear it was like the whole earth shook when I suddenly realized that everything I’d been stuffing down deep to avoid thinking about was really real. It all hit me at once and I started sweating and thought I’d pass out. In one moment, I realized that ev…
THIS. When you do all you can to draw attention to the abuse safely and then nothing fucking happens it puts you even more firmly under your abusers thumb.
I scrolled through my old replies to find you for an update. I wanted to share the info we recently got. My kiddo’s oncology team confirms that he is ok getting the vaccine. Because he is immunosuppressed by the chemo it will not be as robust an immune response, meaning that the vaccine will not be as effective for…
I scrolled through my old replies to find you for an update. I wanted to share the info we recently got, hoping that it’s not overly intrusive to you or unwelcome. My kiddo’s oncology team confirms that he is ok getting the vaccine. Because he is immunosuppressed by the chemo it will not be as robust an immune…
Regardless of whether it was purposeful or not, the fact that she took the topless photo of Claudia off of her phone is fucked up and so very wrong. I mean, the motivation there is exploitative and gross.
Or perhaps it’s an indication that to her, that kind of emotional and physical abuse IS a normal mother/daughter phenomena.
There is no vaccine for what is wrong with those parents. That child would not be the first person in human history to love her abuser and want to protect them from the consequences of their abusive behaviors.
So are we not using our washing machines for this anymore?
You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Fuck all of them.
I am sorry for your loss.
I am very sorry for your loss. I hope that he is having grand adventures too. Peace to you and yours & please remember to be gentle to yourself and each other.
In my house/family we refer to this as “Faux-vid”. It happens ALL the time.
Oh I so relate to this. My parents sent us to private school at a discounted tuition rate. I think it took nearly everything they had. We were cold, hungry and wearing clothes & shoes that didn’t fit. That wouldn’t have been so bad except that it made me a target for the wealthier kids. (Kids can be awful). It never…
Thank you. Also the worst, the other kids knowing that you’re poor.