
I wonder if that’s her given name or a made-for-insta moniker.

Being that I am next to last in line for a vaccine, this is great news.  I’m going to go eat a bunch of organic fruit now and be fine.

These people believe in Covid but also in their inherent superiority. Therefore, they probably won’t get it and if they do it will be either asymptomatic or mild.
 Other people will get the bad Covid- the poors and the browns and the foreigners (and criminals according to one MAGA I know). And really, who can be

I don’t think so. What’s the saying— “Lord give me the confidence of a mediocre white man”?

Or clean walls.

Shut the fuck up Ted. Everyone hates you.

Shut the fuck up Mitch. Everyone hates you.

It’s going to be hard cooking a frozen patty right. You could defrost it a bit in the microwave first. If it’s still somewhat frozen, use a lower heat so the center can cook more before the outside gets overdone. Covering the pan might help too. As far as checking for doneness, I use the edge/corner of the spatula to

I see you & I hear you. Just recently I have crossed over into “I can no longer be pragmatic about this” territory.  Here’s hoping that things get better soon.

This is exactly why I would kind of like to see a run. I need more of this life outside the ivory tower.

Oh I feel you on the family thing.  I will not be seeing my kids anytime soon either and it is just killing me.

I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine. Hugs.

I am sorry for your loss. Covid is a real fucker.

Radio silence- though to be fair they weren’t too vocal before this because we’re a family largely left leaning centrist with a sprinkling of full on liberal commies. This hasn’t stopped them from loudly arguing about whether or not the MAGA in my family is a white supremist or just dumb and harmless. Normally we’re

It’s ok. There’s organic shaman food.

A dab of hand sanitizer?

I am glad that someone else took note of that. I saw it and I was horrified. I was hoping he’d at least pull out some sanitizer afterwards.

“they navigate the journey from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s,”

Holding you and yours in my thoughts.  Hugs if wanted.