I’ve seen them all over for the holidays in multi bags (like the Reese’s) and clear plastic containers. I’m an expat and they really jumped out at me because I too hadn’t seen them in years.
I’ve seen them all over for the holidays in multi bags (like the Reese’s) and clear plastic containers. I’m an expat and they really jumped out at me because I too hadn’t seen them in years.
Could you elaborate on most substantial plz? Do you mean time wise or formative years?
They are everywhere here in Atlantic Canada.
Starred for the pornographic bunny note before I saw your terrible take on the Hershey’s.
Fellow come from away here. I am allergic to shellfish. Telling someone I don’t eat shellfish is like saying that I don’t breathe air. It does not compute.
A caterer once shared a hack with me for canned veg. Open the can & dump it straight into a colander. Rinse them well but gently then cook them in fresh water. I was surprised at how much of the tinny taste is from the water and not the veg but it makes sense.
I had her middle initial incorrect (see my updated comment). There’s an NP in the state with the name but no MD.
I need to correct myself. I wanted to find out more about this lady’s career and specialty. Another article I read (can’t find it again to cite) had an incorrect middle initial for her. There’s an NP from the state with the name but no MD. Apologies.
This is all of us right now. I am planning a weekly drive to nowhere with spouse to keep lockdown fever from causing me to make bad decisions.
I’m sorry Penguin. This whole thing is awful and just sucks. We are in a similar situation with extended family. It’s just so hard to not be there for them while also not wanting to haunt them by getting in touch too often. I just don’t know what to do. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
Your sister and my sister should meet. They are birds of a feather.
Beautiful. 👏👏👏
I admire this lady advocating for herself though that video is painful to watch. Small point of order, she may be a doctor but she doesn’t seem to be a physician, rather a Nurse Practitioner.
“In the Moderna vaccine trials, a few people who had cosmetic facial fillers reported temporary swelling in the area of their face where the fillers were.”
You know, somehow even though your salvo was telling me I’m ridiculous (ahem- twice) you seemed worth engaging with in good faith.
You have stumbled on one of Kinja’s most maddening features. If you enter the article by way of responding to a comment notification, “show pending” will not work. It will only work when you enter the comments by way of the main page (“see all replies” then “show pending”). It is silly and nobody gets it.
Preach. I am “in the biz” . Long before universal healthcare and Medicare for was on the radar it was obvious how broken and unsustainable this system is. It is unbelievable and maddening how much of our healthcare dollars go to administration and billing. Every insurer and every plan under that insurer has different…
High deductible insurance my the state marketplace for my spouse and me is over $700 a month. I believe that it would be almost double that if we had kids on it too. That plan requires that we spend $4000 dollars out of our own pockets before insurance covers anything outside routine care. I won’t even get into the…
#notallmen- lol. Though it is a lot more men than women in my experience.