IDK how you got the idea that this article is about spitting *on* people? The first two sentences talk about “hocking” on the ground and using the sidewalk as a spitoon.
IDK how you got the idea that this article is about spitting *on* people? The first two sentences talk about “hocking” on the ground and using the sidewalk as a spitoon.
But my freedom....
Dude you can try to justify it any way you like but the CDC, WHO and many major sports leagues in the US are not on your side. Neither most of your fellow citizens. You shouldn’t do this for the same reasons that you should cover your mouth when you cough and blow your nose into a tissue. Respiratory hygiene is not a…
Hey Tino, sorry you’re going through all of this. 2020 is a big asshole.
His tweets are consistently spot on and infuriating.
Or “Go ahead, cry it out” as my BIL was prone to doing my parties. There are still people who ask if his kids are attending before they will accept an invitation from me.
My mom used to do the wrapping and the Easter baskets at her aunt’s store. Her stuff was always beautiful- magazine perfect and it is what I aspire to but never attain.
I gotta tell you, I am a good baker and cook and my biscuit game sucks. I’m presuming that you mean American/Canadian biscuit and not a European biscuit (cookie)?
I’m interested to hear how all of the people who “must” spit handle this indoors and why it’s different when they’re outdoors.
Interesting. In my state it’s only healthcare workers who have received it thus far and that’s in the hospital environment. They are tracking (obvs) but haven’t given any firm appointments for dose 2 yet.
Spit into a tissue just like you would blow your nose into one-- see also, peeing & pooping into a toilet.
None of your body fluids should be deposited uncontained into a public space. Spit into a tissue and chuck it or tuck it away until you can throw it out. Even if you’re not spitting on or near someone, it doesn’t just disappear after you walk away. I’m sure that you don’t spit on the floor when you are indoors, do…
I don’t think they’re actively scheduling the second appointments because it isn’t clear yet when allotments for second doses will be released to vaccine providers— at least in my state. I’m sure that the Occ Health folks at the hospitals where they’re administering to employees will have tracking in place. I imagine…
I have a regular bath tub that I use nearly every time I bathe. If it were a soaking tub, I think that my spouse would become a bath taker too. He is a tall guy and the standard tub is not a comfortable fit for him.
This is one of the best sentences I’ve read in a very long time.
I have this hope but I do not think we will learn.
Do you recall where you heard that it isn’t safe for people on immune suppressants? I am curious about that myself. I have a kiddo who is immunosuppressed because of chemo. His oncologist is talking with the pfiezer folks about who can take it.