
So, since I’ve learned about mRNA vaccines I’ve wondered what, if any other cells (good or bad) have this particular protein. I mean, if the common cold shares it then that’s a win but if something say, in my pancreas does, that’s an entirely different ball of wax when my immune system wants to attack it. 

The best part about this thread is that if & when I eventually get the vaccine (I am number 30 gajillion in line according to some estimates) I will be LMAO while getting stabbed because I will be thinking of hot dogs.

I have a similar dad.  He has mellowed a bit with age and infirmity but you described much of my dad as well and much more eloquently that I could have. In other words, I totally get it. 

There’s so many silver lining aspects to the stay at home stuff for so many people. My nieces have been so much more content- no tantrums, fights, meltdowns etc now that they aren’t rushing from school to activities all the time.  

Omg I loved it when my  kids cooked - though they were decidedly not great at clean up.  Your parents are fortunate to have a home chef. 

I got more creative and I am now using nearly every bit of food on hand. When food shortages were at their peak and going to the store was risky, things became more precious. Sometimes I had to improvise when an ingredient wasn’t available. Other times I did “Chopped” style dinners, scraping the fridge and cupboards

You get a hot dog, you get a hotdog and YOU get a hotdog!

So.... No hot dog?

Free hot dog with your covid shot sounds like just the thing!  I believe that both the pfiezer & moderna vaccines only require standard refrigeration once thawed.  I still want my hot dog though.

The pfiezer vaccine is a powder that is reconstituted with saline. Each vial will hold 5 doses and expire within 48 hours-5 days depending on which source you consult.

Yep.  Them little Kardashian kids will all be playing with covid shot stickers on instagram.

I was speaking to the second to last paragraph in the article- (Rich baby boomers, who grew up when separate beds were beginning to be demonized as marriage killers, are now reversing course, leading the charge on the sleep divorce just like they did regular divorce, with one-third of those in the fancy home market,

Sadly, that bed hog often leaves me little space in which to spread out!

Look, you do not have to feel guilty.  This is hard on everyone. Someone having greater difficulty does not invalidate yours.  I’m sorry you’re struggling.  I am too sometimes.  I miss my kids and my parents.  Hang in there.  

Yeah, this. The teachers, medical personnel and retail & service workers haven’t been able to hunker down at home and they are feeling the effects. I also have a few family members who are immunocompromised. Being able to go to medical appointments without feeling like they’re risking their lives and being able to do

Hello Spring! 

I think it’s the best a demon wearing a skin suit can do.


It is interesting and I’m curious as to how it will play out as well. I have a sane family member who lives in a very red area. Twice this winter/spring they were asked to remove their mask or leave an establishment. I truly believe that if they had either an American flag or Jesus mask they would have been seen as

Nearly everything you are speaking of relates specifically to you, your home and the area that you live in. Of course it’s not right for everyone, everywhere and I’m not suggesting that you do it in your home.