I have a queen here and a king in my US apartment. It is much better sleeping in the king but my bedroom here just doesn’t have the square footage. I do love getting a hotel room with 2 queens (one for each of us) and spreading out by myself.
I have a queen here and a king in my US apartment. It is much better sleeping in the king but my bedroom here just doesn’t have the square footage. I do love getting a hotel room with 2 queens (one for each of us) and spreading out by myself.
Quite a few I would think? It seems that there’s not a huge design tweak to turn 2 smaller bedrooms into one larger one. I’m thinking of those who can afford to buy a home at all of course. Home prices are unbelievably high in so many areas.
The thing about the cages is that you need to make sure the blinds are closed first.
I agree with Prinze. Puppies are way harder than babies. He also mentioned that he got TWO. In my experience, dog multiples are exponential. Two pups are far more work than the double of one.
Duh, there’s a 5G DNA microchip implanted into that vaccine by Bill Gates. It’s going to track everyone and everything.
I have *some* hope that these folks will quietly go and get the vaccine then go about their business. Since it’s not a visible position statement like a mask has become, I think that at least a small number will do it.
Hello! You are missed in the neighborhood, as is FIF. Come on over to GT2 and say hello :)
I cannot remember where I read this so I cannot use a citation but I did recently read about dual master bedrooms. This article’s take was that demand was related to buyers wanting equitable bedroom situations for roommates and for multiple generations living together. I could see it being easier for either my…
*Raises hand* I am not a heavy sleeper. Sleeping alone means less interruption from intrusive elbows, snoring or spouse’s occasional restlessness. Sometimes I sleep on the couch and it is by far the best sleep I get. I notice that spouse spreads out like a starfish when we’re not co-sleeping so I presume that he is…
I’ve read that Trudeau is predicting September 2021 before everyone’s vaccinated. They’re not even shipping to the territories until 2021. Logistically it’s going to be tough with so many populations being so spread out, particularly the Territories & Atlantic provinces.
It’s been pretty widely reported that Canada pre purchased both the vaccine doses and options to purchase additional doses from a few companies.
I’m ok with it too. I know that someone has to be last. I don’t have to go to a job, I have no kids in school. I can sit tight and wait.
I am behind 286.7 million people in the US, 5.4 million in my state and 1.2 million in my county. In the little cartoon graphic, there are only 3 people in line behind me. This is I suppose, what being a healthy, not young but not old adult gets you. The curse of Gen X strikes again.
It’s all so fascinating to watch.
Some models have young adults getting higher priority than other healthy adult age groups because there’s more transmission in that group so maybe that?
I know. I’m not angry— just sad. He was always such a good kid and grew into the loveliest of young men. It’s like I don’t even know this person.
Thanks. Sorry about you and your friend too. I hope that someday, when this is all over that you’re able to continue the relationship.
All of what you are feeling is valid.
Not a movie but I highly recommend The Great tv series. It’s campy, smart/irreverent historical fiction.