
My beloved nephew who I had a hand in raising- I’m the one he sought out when he had an anxiety attack before walking down the aisle at his wedding and the first person he texted pics to when his baby was born. We are close.


Sorry Nico.  Hoping for the best with your throat. 

Yup.  I mean, I don’t think that they can safely attribute fever, body aches etc to the vaccine without ruling out covid, right?  It’s going to be tough.

I’m wondering about staggering dosing for healthcare workers and residents of long term care facilities. Staffing is generally bare bones at those places so potentially having a portion of staff out while a portion of residents are simultaneously ill with vaccine side effects is kind of a nightmare. Not to mention

I was listening to a program about this last night. The doctor was advocating for more info being released to them (instead of just press releases). Her take was that it is important to start educating about side effects now. She posited that second vaccine follow up will be better if the side effects did not take


The “essential worker” category gives priority those who cannot (easily) wfh as I understand it. The list of essential is pretty long though.

“As a pale, skin-cancer prone communist with a penchant for arguing about labor issues in bars, there is not a whole lot I miss about living in Florida.” is maybe the single best line I’ve read in a long time.

Mint-chocolate anything is an abomination.

Yeah, I did a lousy job saying what I meant. It’s all an offshoot of the “best chris” thing that then prompted this:

The whole Best Chris thing started a few years ago because there were 4 relatively similar looking white guys named Chris (Pratt, Pine, Hemsworth & Evans) starring in big movies and it snowballed from there in social media and late night tv.  

IDGAF about the aesthetics of the decor. 12 million people are about to lose their unemployment benefits, the eviction moratorium is expiring and nearly a third of American children are food insecure right now. “Let Them Eat Cake” would have been a better theme for this. It’s disgusting.

This was me with spaghetti and french fries cooking for years.


I have been jumping up and down about this for months.  It is criminal and you deserve better.

Amen. My sister is a teacher and it is heartbreaking to see the resigned fear that has become her outlook. She has kept her own kids in remote learning only but has no choice but to go in or lose her job.  She knows she may catch it and/or bring it home to her children etc. It’s just awful on her.

I had an ovarian cyst in my 20s that was fine. I had one in my early 40s that was really big and ruptured. I had no idea what was wrong with me but it was painful and scary. Your doctor should have discussed some of that with you IMO.

Ovarian cysts are pretty common but they can become problematic if they rupture or twist. If you start having unfamiliar pain, urinary symptoms or unexpected bleeding pay attention to it.

While I understand the principle, why would it matter if she answered a question or not? It would be a bunch of propaganda and lies anyway.  I hope that slimy bitch gets a terrible rash.