
Stanzi, if you’re still out there and missed the GT lifeboat list because they deleted it prematurely, reply to any of my comments and I’ll get the address of the new (and really awesome) GT 2 to you.  

Seems like quickly cleaning these things after you use them would be easier and more hygienic, no?

Oh yeah.  I have had a couple of exchanges where I could not get that shit out of my head.  One from here kinda still needles me from time to time. My rational mind says “pay no attention, let it go” etc but...  Anyway, I get it.  

Sending all the good, healthy, no-rona vibes your way.  Hang in there.

No Thanksgiving for us here. I am living (for now) at my home in Canada far away from the family. Usually we pack up and go back to the states for the winter and spring but we’re just going to stay put and try again next year.  I do not plan on celebrating/acknowledging any holidays until my family can be together

OMG congrats.  

I’m guessing that neither you or your father are a multi-millionaire with access to on demand testing, experimental treatments and a personal physician should you require them.

That is evil in the best way.

I’m a New Englander in exile. Fall is better there. No local here would believe it because the trees turn here too but it ain’t the same.  I also live for caramel apples but I will definitely give these grapes a whirl.  

I’m an American in Canada. We usually do our “big” celebration in October then a smaller one for just us and maybe a couple of friends in November.  I know we did *something* to acknowledge Thanksgiving last month but damned if I can remember what it was.  

This is a terrible idea. The amount of opportunities for cross contamination is phenomenal.  Terrible.

My family is either on the other side of the continent, immunocompromised or both so we will be solo this year as we have been since St Paddy’s. I imagine that Christmas will be solo as well. Once this is over we will do all of our holidays at once. I have been telling the fam that we will be in our Halloween costumes

I recently switched from a lingerie bag to a pillow protector to store soiled masks. The mesh didn’t offer enough containment for me to feel like they weren’t going to contaminate anything else. I feel better with a layer of fabric between me and the dirty masks now that I’ve switched.  It  gets zipped up and thrown

I did not come away from those Gina Rodriguez comments thinking that she was ignorant. I recognized the feelings and fears she was expressing. Naming this stuff & talking about it out in the light of day is pretty new & scary to a lot of us. It’s going to take time to get fluent in this language & it’s sometimes

We are definitely getting takes from very different sources then. I mean, I won’t deny that there are some who want the police gone completely but in my experience, that is not the majority of activists nor is it what I hear in every interview on the subject I’ve read or heard.

I agree with all of that. I get muddled up when I think about how close that election was though, and when I think about how we got to 45 in the first place. I think it’s imperative to get some unity back in this country or else we’ll end up in 2016-2020 all over again. The challenge is how to do that without

“Restructure the Police”

As am I.  Remember when we thought Bush was the worst thing that could happen?!  

Yeah, I am more relieved than proud.  There is SO much work to be done.  I feel more ready to do it today though.  

Jared “forgot”. These people have been out of their depth for the entirety of this nightmare. At least on this one, they’re paying for that instead of us. This is one of many and I will be happy to see each one of those chickens come home to roost.