Weird. It shows up at the top of the feed when I just click “Latest”. I am on a laptop. Maybe it depends on the device?
Weird. It shows up at the top of the feed when I just click “Latest”. I am on a laptop. Maybe it depends on the device?
Hey Penguin! At the top of your screen, just under the “Jezebel” logo is “Latest”. If you click on that the page displays in the old format.
Funny what’s worth showing up on a Saturday for. I ain’t forgetting any of it.
So she was wearing shoes in the original pic, decided they ruined the look of the outfit, erased the shoes and drew in some better ones? I would have just cropped the photo.
It’s definitely the spam.
I understand and agree with scrutinizing and analyzing origins, especially in these times. This analysis though seems like a stretch- or a series of them. Sometimes people like stuff because it’s likeable. Crispy days, cool nights, comfy sweaters, caramel apples and technicolor trees are awesome. Pumpkin spice…
I feel for you. My MIL used to call my home every morning because she wanted to be sure Mr was up for work. When he did not answer her calls, she would call my workplace and have me overhead paged to get in touch with him. The list goes on. Consistent limit setting and a lot of ignoring that behavior helped but it…
We were pretty close up- like 3rd row or so. He was fine during his set, it was just at the end. He looked so gross that I imagined he even smelled bad. I will say though that he does have a pretty good butt.
Or, just don’t.
I saw him as an opener in a country ensemble concert (Mr is a country music fan but I love him anyway). When he came out for the finale with all of the acts he was sweaty, stumbly, sloppy drunk.
A timely tale for sure. Thanks, reminding me what we can be gave me a little hope.
Ha! Mine ate a Christmas light once. I guess it was so pretty that he thought it would taste good?
My young ‘uns and later my nieces and nephews were perfectly happy with just the tools at that age. They really didn’t want or need the actual cosmetic. I’d bet he’d be perfectly happy with a puff and a brush to play with. If you don’t have any old ones to give to him you could probably get some at the dollar store…
Sending all of the good vibes your way. Best of luck.
Early on I could still be surprised.
Also from his statement: “When you have seven days in isolation in an ICU though, you have time to do a lot of thinking,...”
I saw this this morning. (“this this” looks weird but I cannot think of another way to say it)
I am sorry to tell you that Canada probably doesn’t want you right now.
“And unlike in America, in Newfoundland it’s still eaten somewhat regularly, and all year round.”
Kids in the 80s were tougher. There were no bike helmets or hockey helmets. We had fights in school and nobody used the word “bullying”. We also drank from the hose and didn’t wear seat belts.