Mr. Underhill

It’s too bad they couldn’t put anything on the ballot to actually un-fuck their power grid situation. It feels like if you live in Texas you are purchasing your power in a rent-to-own situation, or from a payday lender.

Good news: You are living in a science fiction novel

I kinda get the feeling this amounts to a slush fund for natural gas. Building new plants hurts profits. . . unless there’s a big ole pile of taxpayer money to use instead.

I mean, these guys don’t even bother with basic upkeep. It was the nat gas pipelines that froze up during Uri that more or less caused that whole

I am far more disturbed by the fact that some shady group with no fixed address , has the capability of launching ballistic missiles.

In the 90s Texas based Enron was causing rolling blackouts in California. Now that most of Californians are moving to Texas I expect Texas to bring back the blackouts to punish the expats. They need Big Government handouts to accomplish it. Still they won’t let SpaceX install solar panels on ever building.  It's so

I listen to AM sports talk radio. Hard to understand why that makes me a bigot

My advice to the current bugs - don’t do the whole sentience thing. Stick to the hive mind and toil in relative peace. 

Experience, AM radio is full of garbage.

And at the bottom of my comment(and someone else made this remark as well) who is even going to think to use AM in an emergency? Not me, so it is worthless to me even if it is useful because I am never going to remember to use it.

This, 1,000x this. I remember watching HBO Real Sports in 1990whatever and seeing the story of the golf course in Scotland that he was building and then screwed the entire county of Scotland over, basically. That was 25 years ago I’d guess. This fuck has been a conman for so long that people somehow forgot. It is

In all the years I’ve owned my everyday car with its plain-jane radio/CD player entertainment console, I’ve not once tuned to AM.

Relax, it is completely allowed and legal. Sometimes a necessity due to illness or family emergency. Do you want to deprive families of this important service?

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through

“...they’re very lucky the children didn’t end up in Mexico or Latin America or wherever.”

Hell, even if the fine is $1, he’ll use this trial as an excuse to cheat his followers out of more money. That’s pretty much the only thing you can count on Trump to do - scam for more money whenever the opportunity presents itself.

What are the odds that he uses any fine as an excuse to squeeze more money out of his cult of followers? He will cover the fine and pocket the rest.

TL;DR: The reason stories about Tesla are important: we’re baking ourselves alive, and anything that draws attention to that fact is good.
Here’s the deal: for a brief moment, it looked like Tesla had managed, through sheer bull farble and guts, to push through the correct idea that we need to move towards a more

If you’re going to show an example of your new vehicle in public, why would you use the most jacked-up prototype you can find? 

I want the damn thing to go sale just so we can talk about it in the past tense...give it the obituary it deserves.