As someone working for another car manufacturer and doing mechanical engineering for battery packs this article is quite funny. But I can see where your confusion is coming from. This time at least it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
As someone working for another car manufacturer and doing mechanical engineering for battery packs this article is quite funny. But I can see where your confusion is coming from. This time at least it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
I’m surprised the fruit hanging so low it’s already decomposed and the seeds have sprouted baby hate trees hasn’t already come up. I still dig the PT Cruiser, I think it gets too much flak, but there’s no question it’s gone from something that was selling for huge markups to a sad broken down winga dinga wagon.
Make them as thin as you want. I’ll just keep getting fatter.
Man, you can’t even plunge to your death in comfort these days can you.
Most truck buyers want the minivan in Home Depot drag.
“...with the fleet-like trim of regular cab with the eight-foot bed...”
Not a truck guy, but I agree. I also approve of both the available trims, although the “Warlock” name just makes me think of LARPing.
I swear, it’s the ghastly young people who work at Kotaku that do this to me. I’m 46, so was turning 19 in 1996. So I always think of these games as part of everyone’s childhoods, until the Gen Alphas that work here all remind me they weren’t born then.
When Kotaku calls out for the Zoomers, Gen-X and Millennials get titchy.
The 27-year-old woman will now face three months of summary probation after the crash in Palm Springs
Put it in H!
Trucks man, trucks.
I don’t know, I thought the header image was a Grand Cherokee at first glance.
The Citroen at 1:50 is super safe. See how the airbag pushed the driver dummy out the door? You’re not getting crushed by that steering column!