Mr. Underhill

I’m guessing it depends on the type and amount. We had a mass casualty event here on NYE where 4 died and about a dozen others were severely injured with 3rd degree burns and shrapnel injuries. Aerial firework shot into an open cache of other fireworks, likely also aerial mortar type.

I’m not sure delivering KFC to an entire car of passengers is such a good idea with the state of some Amtrak trains. The stress placed on the plumbing would probably result in a derail.

Hah, Clackastan. When I lived in Portland years ago we called it Crackamas. Happy to see the county has stayed classy. To be fair though, Portland is not in a position to be mething around with other parts of the state.

A savvy defense lawyer could pin this crime on Siri. Case closed your honor. Yes I’m a real lawyer, No you can’t see my law license. Filibuster. 

Oh man, the header image. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. A face that looks like it’s being water boarded.

You thinking of durian? We have a jackfruit tree and the fruit doesn’t smell at all, on the tree or cut open. Has sap like latex though, ugh.

Just like other jurisdictions, the cops here in Hawaii have a stupidly strong union that seems designed to protect the worst of the worst. It’s not uncommon for the process to fire a cop here take years. Even then, we’ve seen the union successfully get the firing overturned and the cop rehired.

I think he means he has to connect his phone before he puts it in gear, otherwise it won’t let him connect. 


A real pro woulda had everyone take a deep breath, jump up and simultaneously stomp down real hard on the deck, exhale, while gunning the throttle so the boat duck dives the wave and their collective out breath forms a protective bubble around the boat and baguettes. Bada bing bada boom.

Yup, that airplane has worms.

I think a better solution would be that we just mandate all new cars come equipped with bags or hydraulics. No more cat thefts when your car is slammed to the pavement plus the local grocery store parking lot is now a sick party.

HEY. They’re doing their best.

I walk to work through a pretty dense urban core. Sometimes when waiting for my turn to cross a street I deliberately look to see who is on their phone driving past and it always angers me to see so many cruising through an intersection with their eyes glued to their dopamine rectangle. WTF is so important that you

I legitimately thought this was a story about a Fisker model called the Ocean Flipper that didn’t make it to production. RIP Flipper!

Pretty sure there are no ethical tow companies. Years ago Honolulu contracted with a tow company that got in the habit of taking cars to the farthest yard from the tow site so they could jack up the transport fees. Right now another city contracted company is being investigated for labeling every tow as dangerous or te