Mr. Underhill

Yeah, I’ve always wondered about that too. You would think that would be an easy ticket for a cop to write. Shit, even more so in places that fix it tickets.

Van Life: freedom to poop in a bucket in the same 5x10ft space where you sleep and eat.

Are long pants recommended when using the slide? I get the impression those things have the potential for a mean rug burn. Can you ask the flight attendant to prep the slide with something from the drink cart first?

This same scam happened to two YouTube accounts I follow a couple weeks ago. They get their way into a legitimate account then change everything about it, name, logo, description and use the accounts followers number to appear legitimate. It really sucks for the account owners since the account eventually gets banned

There’s no audio but sources say Popper shouted “BORTLES RULES” before squeezing off a few celebratory rounds.

My mom unlocked an identical looking 89 Camry in the grocery store parking lot when I was a tyke. Same maroon exterior and grey cloth interior. Fun fact, keys for that run of Camry could often start other cars as well, something my high school team mate discovered when I would move his car to a different spot in the

Well sure, but then you’re gonna need some real solid gorilla fencing or a moat filled with snakes.

My timing was impeccable with this one. Metroid Prime was my wife’s favorite game when we were in college together. She didn’t have a TV so she kept her GameCube in my dorm room and I left my door unlocked so she could play whenever she wanted. For her 40th this year I got her a GameCube (actually two, first one

Understandable and commendable and I wish you luck! 

Yah, I missed episode 3 and purposely stayed off the Giz websites until after I caught up. I’m also playing the game for the first time and have been trying to keep pace with the show. More just for funsies but also a little bit to avoid spoiling the show too much since they are hewing pretty close to the overarching

Didn’t HBO show the bloater during the mini preview at the end of episode 4 last week? Too lazy to check, but I feel like anyone who watched until the end of 4 already got a glimpse of it.

Well maybe that Ferrari shoulda just stuck to their lines

He’s just metamorphosing into his final, Super Dave Osborne form. It’s a natural phase of life we all must go through eventually.

Enron did something very similar so you know this must be a good business practice.

If loud pipes saved lives then the auto insurance industry would be lobbying against any form of exhaust mod regulations and giving discounts on premiums to every jabroni cosplaying as an outlaw. Counter argument? You’re supposed to be up cooking breakfast, so it’s like an alarm clock. woo WOOO! P.S., the crackle

I mean I agree, but I don’t think that argument is going to persuade The Incredible Hulk. Especially since flipping cars is more of a hobby for him than a business.

I only participate in the Left of Dead (refugees from the Spanfeller massacre) and my local DnD group. Lovely people all. Just have to find the right groups.