Mr. Underhill

I heard somewhere that her Lilith’s Brood trilogy is being looked at for a series as well. Which if true, oh man that’s going to be wild. I just hope they do these adaptations justice, because her writing is some of the best out there. 

Did you say Abe Lincoln?

Sorry about your HHR

Indeed. Crack is wack.

iiiiiits your butt. The crack is on your butt. Yes, I know, I have the sense of humor of a 5th grader. I’ll see myself out.

It appears that the crack on my part had been propagating for quite some time”

Rectum? Damn near killed him!

The noise from the chains warns groundhogs and gophers that a bus is approaching, giving them ample time to duck. 

Not for reliability but because most have been so poorly modified and driven so hard by the fart can/backfire exhaust crowd that you are more likely to see one at a salvage yard or in line for the crusher.

That was my other point, if it wasn’t intentional then he seems to be having a really hard time with vehicle awareness. And I hear what you’re saying, it’s far more likely it was unintentional and related to blind spots. But he’s a professional racer that is supposed to be intimately familiar with his vehicle. He then 

That’s cool, but something is off with the guy now. Maybe he’s just having a bad day, maybe he’s not fit to be racing right now, or maybe he put his helmet on backwards.

    -osteoarthritis and an irrational hatred of skateboarders 

That video makes it look like Villiers either hit the rider intentionally, or he has zero awareness of the size of his vehicle. In either case, it would appear that he’s not cut out to be racing professionally. 

I’ve always liked this very sobering quote from Aldus Huxley - “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.”

These have the benefit of being able to go on orange mocha frappacino runs without ending in tragic gasoline fight incidents.

Did someone say Cornholio?

I’m wondering if his policy has a clause regarding modifications to the drivetrain. I’ve heard of companies that have denied claims after the adjuster went out and found significant aftermarket mods that the policy holder didn’t report.

That is a hard pass for me.