
It’s my partners birthday today, so we have a weekend getaway planned. No games on the schedule. Once we get back I will continue working on Nioh, trying to get past the 2nd boss (getting through pass 2 pretty consistently, but need to work on phase two after farming more elixirs.)  Christmas is coming up, which

This last week I started Nioh as one of the free games from PS Plus. I have to say I really was unimpressed with the first intro level, which almost had me quitting the game. However, I have found the 2nd level and all the combat style additions to be more alluring (and kind of confusing at times) and have given it at

Here’s a tip, in case you had not thought of it: on some of the harder bell puzzles, I would throw the axe into a wall behind one bell and if you get the right angle it will be rung on the return trip.

More Bloodborne (quality build edition)! I am very close to getting the Ailing Loran chalice and my goal of getting the beast claws. However, I don’t know if I can switch from my beloved Stake Driver at this point. I will have to force it a little.

I also just downloaded this month’s PS plus games (for the first time

I was never really interested in Nioh at all until I played, and enjoyed for the most part, Sekiro. I have wanted to play Outlast 2 for a while now. So cool offering overall for me.

I really liked Prey and tried to do Dishonored 2 afterwards but could just never get into it, although maybe it gets better after the first couple hours. If that helps your decision.

Awesome, thanks for the info! She will be ecstatic that there is very little combat.

My partner loves the original PS1 Harry Potter (that and Sypro are pretty much the only games she has expressed interest in), and I had heard that the Lego Harry Potter is about as close as you can get to PS1 HP.  Any thoughts on that assessment? 

I have not played Control but I would agree with your game aesthetic preferences 100%. If you haven’t play Prey yet, I would highly recommend. It has the spooky spacestation you crave.

I was a little too busy to post the last two weeks, but I have pushed to about 85% complete on Spider-Man (sans DLC). My classic late game lethargy is kicking in, so I may just finish the main plot and any side missions I still find tolerable and call it good. I have also been plugging away at my recent Bloodborne

Same, the only reason I don’t rank the backpacks as high as the landmarks is because sometimes slow crawling on walls is like being in an Escher painting.  I just got to that chapter recently, clocking in around 60%.

Unfortunately I went out of my way to get all the landmarks and fight low level crimes in the beginning, since my friend and I didn’t want to crack the story right away, which were my favorite side quests so far. So now I am stuck with some of the more frustrating ones left on my map.

Finally cracked open Spider-Man and my visiting friend and I tag teamed the game to 50% complete over the weekend, so I will probably keep working on that. I have to say, while the game is not ground breaking itself, swinging around NYC as Spidey is one of the most fun things I have ever done in a game and worth the

After playing Sekiro (still stuck on the last two bosses, but taking a break from it), I was inspired to revisit Yharnam and started a quality build so I eventually can go Beastmode with the claws. I am currently using the stake driver which is actually much better than I remember. I previously did an Arcane broccoli

I had two final bosses in Sekiro waiting for me, and Spider Man on deck, so of course I worked on my Krieg play-through of Borderlands 2 this last week... My partner is out of town this weekend, so I have a couple friends coming over tonight and we plan to rent Mortal Combat 11 and eat some tacos. Then I plan on

Due to a certification test I have been studying for (takes place tomorrow morning), I regret to inform I am still stuck on two of the final bosses in Sekiro. I did not get to play much the last week, but I finally see the complete game plan for at least one of them, so it really just comes down to a executing it in a

God of War is definitely one of my favorite games I’ve played in 2019. The combat is immensely satisfying (that ax throw!) and the story is surprisingly affecting. You’re in for a good time.

Thanks for the advice! While I really like Sekiro, it’s also kind of hard work, and I wanted to take a break to experience what looks like the pure joy of web slinging around NYC.

Very close the end of my first Sekiro play through.  I was stuck on 3 final bosses, but just beat one last weekend, which boosted my confidence (and attack power) for the other two.  Then I will have to make the decision of trying another play through right away, or risk letting my skills get rusty and play the

I was stuck on 3 final bosses and finally beat one recently, so my hope went up dramatically for the other two. I think taking breaks after hitting a wall continuously is always the way to go.