
No one is. They get discounted to the mid to high $50k’s, and they’re worth it. Way nicer than any of the luxury cars we had growing up while still doing everything asked of it while holding decent resale value. And still get 20+ on the highway.

Because it’s impossible the series goes 5? In which case he would pitch. On your other point it was incredible to watch him last night. I wish the Cubs could’ve spent the Hayward and lackey money on him

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

I mean since its excerpts there is always the possibility that this is a controlled leak from her camp

I agree, anyone that has opposing political views should be penalized with physical violence.

How long so you have to wait before it’s “okay” to hate your job? I’ve been at mine for 60 days now and I hate it so much it’s giving me depression. One of my friends, instead of sympathizing, told me I haven’t been in the job long enough to hate it.

Counterpoint: Don’t.

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

I read all through this and all I could think was that you’re not the right person to be writing this article. This article was less about the car, and more about your subjective experience being in public and perceived as a “rich” person. You don’t enjoy having people ogle you and fall all over themselves grabbing

Get a Bentley Bentayga and a real track car and you’re still below the price of this thing.

I think you guys forgot to tell us how much this car is worth. With all the coverage you guys gave it, you would think someone would mention the price somewhere.

I was thinking he was talking about getting hair plugs on his face and neck, as that man cannot grow face hair.


None of them are buying one, so don’t bother asking.

Don’t forget its twin, the Mercury Mariner. The Escape has those protrusions on the rear bumper and I’m not seeing a hint of that in the photo. Also, with whatever I can make out of the emblem above the license plate - the bottom of the emblem dips lower into the license plate area on the Mercury than it does on the

The Sixers have won just 47 games in three seasons, and are well beyond the time frame in which progress toward becoming a real NBA team was supposed to be made.

I recently started to be more active on Twitter and soon realized that a LOT of stories start out as trending topics there. The Ferrante reveal and reactions to the reveal have been making the rounds there for the past few weeks.

Can we get thirty to forty more stories on this. I need to know what the folks at jalopnik think about the dust jacket flaps on these novels. Are they a necessity or aesthetic claptrap. There’s still juice in here, DRINK IT!

There’s a lot written here and not much being said other than a weirdly hostile “stick to weighty sports issues but sports nonetheless” message.

Why does anyone care what anyone else has to say about politics?