
It’s not that we don’t know how to effectively anesthetize people, it’s that all of the reputable pharmaceutical companies refuse to allow their products to be used for executions, so the government has no choice but to expirement with what the shady pharmacies have in stock.

Tomato face is one of our long-time trolls. They always pick tomato-related screen names, and they have a very distinctive trolling style, namely saying things that are incredibly stupid but just subtle enough that it’s not immediately obvious that they’re being dumb on purpose.

For the CIA, definitely not. They’re forbidden from operating on US soil, although that hasn’t always stopped them. NSA or FBI probably could if they had probable cause for a warrant.

Australian possums are way cuter than American possums. Evolution must have gotten confused that day.

As a retail worker who has been forced to listen to Christmas music five days a week since Black Friday, I dread the thought of people expecting me to listen to them badly sing Christmas music at me while I slowly freeze to death.

Yes, because Trump is threatening our relationship with China, and the Republicans aren’t so stupid that they think that will work out well for them. They’d rather have Pence in office, because he will still probably be amenable to their policy goals, while being sane enough to not get us nuked.

I forgot where I read it, but it focused on the way the movie focused on the importance of Neo’s name; the world knew him as Thomas Anderson, and the oppressive agents, enforcers of the status quo, kept using that name to refer to him. But Neo was always who he really was, and it’s who he became full-time after he

Not only was it made by trans women, but the entire movie is an allegory about coming out as trans.

GTS is great for getting the other starters. Just make babies of your starter, and they’ll be traded in less than a minute.

They actually kind of have to adopt the trappings of a religion to fight the way they do; a lot of Republicans like to pull out the “freedom of religion, not freedom from religion” card, and argue that Athiesism isn’t a religion, and therefore isn’t covered by religious liberty laws. So they pretend to be religious,

There’s three different things they say to you when you ask about your pokemon; if they say they like each other or they don’t seem to like each other much, they’re making babies. If they say they prefer to play with other pokemon, they are not making babies. Some pokemon cannot make babies at all, like Lunala and

“Shiny” pokemon are color variants of normal pokemon, like a red gyarados instead of a blue one. They’re extremely rare, but not any more useful than a regular Pokemon.

Here’s my take on the Electoral College: The whole reason the system is set up the way it is is so that we have a failsafe in case we somehow elect someone who is blatently unfit for office. If Sauron Cthulhu-Hitler ever wins the general, the electors are the ones who are supposed to go “Hey, wait a minute, this guy

It’s shopped; the body is Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movies.

Funny enough, that’s actually how the electoral college was originally supposed to work. People would vote for electors, who would then go meet with each other, discuss the candidates, and vote one into office.

I pegged the Aether Foundation as being evil the moment I saw them. Their aesthetic was such a contrast to the laid-back surfer vibe of everything else in the game, and they seemed a little too perfect and nice. Not to mention Team Skull was too much of a joke to be the main villains. Not even the other NPCs took them

My grandparents have an open floor plan, and it’s one of the major reasons I hate spending time there. I’m an introvert, I need time away from people to recharge my batteries, and you just can’t get any damn privacy with a layout like that. Not to mention sound carries really well, so you can hear every word of every

I’m pretty sure that the trading systems filter out hacked Pokémon, so if it got through WT it’ll get through pokebank security.

For real; worst case scenario is that the recount doesn’t change the results, and we wasted some time and taxpayer money, but even that would make everyone feel a little bit better, knowing that the election wasn’t literally stolen.

As a Michigan resident who isn’t a fascist, I also agree.