I wore a shirt that said “action girl” on it, which I figured was subtle enough to not be an obvious endorsement, but it wasn’t a coincidence I picked that shirt.
I wore a shirt that said “action girl” on it, which I figured was subtle enough to not be an obvious endorsement, but it wasn’t a coincidence I picked that shirt.
Why don’t they just have the presidential candidates fill out absentee ballots and have an aide drop them off? That seems like the safest and least disruptive way to do it.
Actually, my parents went to vote at 7:15, right after the polls opened, and there was a line practically around the block. Everyone wants to vote either right before or immediately after work, so those are the worst times to vote. I went at 11, and there were maybe 4 people in front of me.
There was a lady with two little boys (maybe 8-10) in the voting booth next to me, and I thought it was really sweet. It’s so important to teach our kids the importance of voting, and show them how it’s done so they’re not so nervous the first time they do it as adults.
No, it’s a parody account. Trump is a walking example of Poe’s law, but you can tell the difference by looking for the little blue “verified” check mark.
Was that Patton Oswalt?
Do you have any sources for that? I know a lot of Democrats who are “meh” about Hillary, but we all agree that a “meh” president is by far better than a horrifying president, so we’re all still going to vote fore her.
Well, I think all of your opinions are wrong, but they’re a sane and reasonable kind of wrong, that I can politely disagree with. I wish the rest of the Republican Party was that kind of wrong.
My uncle put one of those trick candles on my cousin’s birthday cake, and we all had a good laugh, and then we were like “crap, how do we put it out so we can eat the cake?”
You seem to not understand the difference between violent and non-violent crimes. Pretty much every liberal, including most of the people you’re arguing with in this thread, agrees that prison for non-violent crimes like drunk in public or drug use/possession is a bad idea, and rehab programs would be a good…
There was also an episode of Archer with that plot.
If it makes you feel better, Hilary’s winning in Florida early voting so far. If she takes Florida, Trump has pretty much no chance of winning.
I got that one trick-or-treating one year. I was actually weirdly happy about it, because I’d heard of Chick Tracts and read a few on the internet, but had never seen one in the wild before.
A poster here once said that Eric Trump looked like a douchebag vampire selling ecstasy in the background of a Blade movie, and now I can’t unsee it.
We should make it a law that if a suspect’s word contradicts a police officer’s word, and there’s no body cam evidence to support the cop’s version of events, the suspect will automatically be believed. Bet they’ll stop turning their cams off then.
Well, “con” does get used in food names; chili con carne, salsa con queso, etc. So they might be familiar with it because Trumps think liking mexican food is a good way to get the latino vote.
8 years is a long time. I’m sure by the time 2024 rolls around some democrat who’s currently obscure and inexperienced will have gained enough experience and name recognition to be a good candidate. I mean, Hillary’s still got to pick her cabinet, and maybe one of her cabinet members will want to sit in the boss’s…
I’m not quite clear on that, either. It seems she targeted chinese women specifically, but out of practicality (she knew how to exploit their superstitions) rather than hatred of chinese women.
The same way we do with every other crime. Believing the victim enough to start an investigation is not a violation of the accused’s rights. If it was, nobody would ever go to jail for anything.
I’m so glad I’m in a union. Retail sucks at the best of times, but we avoid so much corporate bullshit by having someone to advocate for us who can actually get the owners to listen.