It reminds me of Roald Dahl’s theory about happy vs. mean thoughts affecting your appearance. I am too lazy to google it, but it’s very profound.
It reminds me of Roald Dahl’s theory about happy vs. mean thoughts affecting your appearance. I am too lazy to google it, but it’s very profound.
I’ve always thought that if I somehow become fabulously wealthy, I’m not going to change my standard of living much. Move out of my parent’s house, sure, but just get a decent apartment in a decent part of town, and decorate it the way my parents decorate. I just don’t see the appeal in tacky gold furnishing.
The only way I can tell is the blue “verified” checkmark. Other than that, it’s a perfect example of Poe’s law.
I’m pretty sure that missionaries have to mail absentee ballots back to Utah, instead of voting in the city they’re preaching in.
There’s also some nice quality of life changes coming in 7.1: you don’t need to get friendly with all the factions before unlocking world quests on alts, the mythic Suramar dungeons will be unlocked account-wide once you’ve beaten them on one character, and shapeshifting while disguised in Suramar city won’t break…
“Gestation fetishist”? WTF, I think she meant infertile women who wanted to have a baby. Yes, yes, I know, adoption, but this would basically be the same as adoption but you’d get to be pregnant and give birth, which is really important to some mothers.
Was she over the age of consent when you started dating her? If yes, nobody gives a shit.
I had never heard any of this as an occasional reader of birth.movies.death, and I’m rather upset that this guy was my favorite movie critic for so long. Does anyone know any damning information about Evan Saathoff before I declare him my new favorite critic?
From what i understand, her security guard was out with her sisters, since they were going out and Kim was staying in the hotel with her friend. I don’t know much about celebrity bodyguarding, but it seems like a reasonable enough thing to do. I assume a hotel nice enough for A-list celebrities to stay at has its own…
I think it’s possible that it was inside job in the sense that a hotel employee or one of Ms. Kardashian’s staff was colluding with the robbers, but there’s no way in hell that Kim herself was in on it. There’s just no motive; she’s still at the level of fame where if she wants to be on the cover of the tabloids, all…
My great-grandmother is looking into fostering cats, because she wants a cat but doesn’t want to commit to one at her age; she’s in great shape for a 92 year old, but she isn’t immortal (unless my theory about her being a highlander is true).
They were pointing out that that study had a ridiculous definition of domestic violence, to the point that it included things that almost everyone had done during an argument.
That’s just Cher’s preferred writing style.
The police badgered her into implicating him.
If you hit the “emergency” button on an American iphone, will it automatically call the correct number, or will it default to 911?
That was my thought, too; I could believe that she would fake drama for attention, but she’s not dumb enough to fake something that would draw police attention and potentially land her in jail. If she was in the news for publically feuding with Taylor Swift or something, yes, that’s something she would lie about. Not…
You can get pokeballs from pokestops if you don’t want to pay. You only get a few per stop, but it adds up.
The Trump campaign coordinated the entire article, including specifying who was allowed to give interviews. I think that counts.
You are aware that the Trump campaign is trotting her out to try to appeal to millenials, yes? The media is allowed to talk about her involvement in the campaign.
I met a guy once who had a pet pig. I’m not sure if it was a piglet or a mini-pig, but it was tiny. It was litter-box trained, and had a little staircase to get into the box.